Chapter Twenty Six:

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Hadley's POV

It was crazy how just a week's worth of training with Scott made such a difference in my fighting abilities. I had always been in good shape as a human, being a runner I was pretty toned. Now as a wolf though I could feel the lean mass that was building in me. The strength I now had.

Scott and I faced each other in the grass outside the house. Our normal training grounds.

"You seem distracted this morning," Scott said, analyzing me. His auburn hair wet with the morning mist clung to his face.

"I have a lot on my mind with everything tonight," I said trying to focus on our training.

"It will go fine. With West, Tate, Braxton, and Darren you'll be safe," he said. Giving me an empathetic gaze. His normal stern face softening just a touch.

"I'm not worried about my safety," I explained. I made my way towards him trying to avoid the conversation all together. Scott expertly blocked each move I made. Lately I have been able to knock him down more regularly. But he was right. I was distracted. With a fluid sweep Scott had me falling on my back onto the wet earth.

I grabbed my head at the headache that had already begun to form from the impact. Scott was instantly at my side leaning over me as I laid in the ground.

"With me it's one thing. You need to stop over thinking this. If you're distracted like this....nervous. One look and Nolan will suspect something is off," Scott said pulling me off the ground.

"I can handle this," I said standing up and releasing his hand sharply.

"Trust me I know you can. Do you not realize the progress you've made here alone? I've trained my entire life. The only people who can successfully knock me down like that are West and Tate," Scott said grabbing my shoulders forcing me to meet his eyes. "You have alpha blood in you and you're a future luna. Don't let some ignorant prick like Nolan scare you off,". He said, giving me a rare warm smile.

"Thanks Scott," I said, the corner of my mouth slightly raising.

"Want to keep training?" he asked. His face instantly back to its usual serious demeanor.

"I need to go find West for tonight," I said, picking up my water bottle.

"I still can not believe he agreed to that," Scott said running his hand through that auburn hair.

"Me either," I laughed.

I made my way through the house. When I reached West's room I knocked on the door. I could hear his mumbling and grunting as he got up from whatever he was doing and stomped to the door.

As hard as I tried I could not stop the grin that spread across my face when I saw him. My eyes danced at the sight with a wickedness to them. West rolled his eyes letting me in giving me the full reveal.

"Don't even get started with me," West said, noticing the laugh I was desperately trying to suppress.

West was in his room wearing the dress that Nolan had sent for me tonight. The back was completely zipped open and barley fit over his large muscled body.

"You look beautiful," I snorted a small grin flashing across my face.

"I'm never going to live this down," West stifled a laugh, his hand covering his eyes.

The dress was beautiful. Despite that it had come from such a creep I had to admit Nolan had good taste. The dress was made from a rich green satin that scooped at the neck. It clung to the body with a large slit going up the thigh. The back had a lower scoop that matched the front.

"Stop eyeing me like I'm some piece of meat," West laughed. "Turn around so I can change,".

I obliged by turning my body around so that I was facing the wall. My grin only grew as I heard West struggle to get out of the tight dress.

"Alright, here you go," he said, handing it to me. "No one. I mean no one outside of this pack house ever gets to know what I did. Understand?" he said pulling me in.

"Jeez West if I had known wearing a dress for a few hours would threaten your manhood so much I would have asked someone else to do it," I teased.

West rolled his eyes and returned my laugh. "Are you ready for tonight?" he asked.

"There's still a few more things I have to get done before we go. But so far so good," I said.

"Your plan is brilliant. Nolan's going to be so pissed by the end of it and have no idea where to exactly point his finger. You're going to make a great luna. Remind me not to ever cross you," he said raising his eyebrow at me.

"That would be wise considering what I witnessed in this room mere moments ago," I winked at him.

"Get out of here and go finish up," he shoved me out of his room. "We're leaving at six so be ready,".

I put the dress in my room and made my way to the greenhouse. The air in the greenhouse was warm and slightly sticky. It smelt like the midst of summer. Despite the fact that past the glass walls spring was just starting up.

I made my way around the intricate maze of plants. My eyes are scouring for a particular plant.

A pair of strong arms pulled me back into a warm chest as a kiss was placed on my neck.

"Found you," Tate said. I could feel his smile against my neck as his teeth lightly scraped me.

"Tonight I'm going to have to be someone I'm not," I said turning my body so his arms were still wrapped around me but our faces were now facing each other.

"I know," he said grimley.

"It doesn't mean anything though. I want you. I choose you," I said, grabbing his chin forcing him to look at me.

"I choose you too Had. I just hate that you have to do this," he said brushing my cheek with his knuckle.

"I just want this to be over with. I want everyone to know that I'm yours," I said.

"Soon enough," he placed a kiss on my temple.

Over his shoulder I caught sight of the plant I had been searching for. I moved away from Tate. Plucking off a small branch and holding it up for Tate.

"Soon enough indeed," I said with a wicked smile. 

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