Chapter Forty Six:

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Tate's POV

"You must be the Alpha. Your scent is nearly identical to your fathers. But you're stronger than him. Aren't you?" Jade's eyes scanned me over. As though she was looking right into me and could see it all.

"Yes," I replied cautiously. West and Scott were stiff as we waited for Jade. I took in my surroundings. Weighing the risk. Trying to decide what to do next. She had killed Nolan. With a simple flick of the hand his neck was snapped. It was effortless. I had no doubt if we tried to run she'd do the same. An attack without the element of surprise would most likely lead to the same result. My only option was to listen. To wait for the perfect moment to strike.

"Don't worry I don't intend to kill you," Jade said. Her caramel eyes glowed. Her voice was rich and smooth. There was a lightness to it. She was enjoying this. This power she held over us. She was a queen. A high witch. Every part wicked but deserving of the title.

"Why should we trust you?" I asked with a small smile. I could play her game too.

"You're still alive. Are you not?" She toyed examining the hand that had ended Nolan's life. "Nolan went against my wishes and dragged my name. I have had nothing to do with the events that transpired and I do not wish to be associated with a two faced wolf such as Nolan".

"So you made no deals with Nolan?" I asked.

"It is true that Nolan came to me for my help. I denied his request telling him it went against the gods wishes as well as my own. I put a tracker in his mind so that I could closely watch his moves and take the... necessary precautions," A small sinful smile danced on her lips.

West and Scott looked deep in thought. Comparing what Nolan had said to Jade's version. My mind was also trying to sort through the pieces. It would be easier to believe Jade. It really would. Nolan had lied in the past. He had stolen my mate. Killed innocent people to further his own agenda.

But Morgan had seen into his mind. She saw the bind. Nolan hadn't been able to lie in those last few hours. Morgan had made sure of it. As much as I hated Nolan. A part of me believed him.

"Then I guess I should be thanking you," I said, reaching out my hand to shake Jade's. Shock went across both West's and Scott's faces but they remained silent. Cautiously watching Jade. Her eyes gleamed as she took my hand giving it a firm shake. I could feel the power radiating through her hand. She caught the look in my eye and returned it as if to say, yes this is what i'm capable of.

"What will you do with the rest of the Fenris Moon Pack? They'll be furious you killed their alpha. They could declare war on you," I asked. Keeping my emotions locked away. I refused to meet Nolan's lifeless glazed eyes.

"Not to worry that has all been arranged. I'm not one to kill without considering the after effects," She smiled. A shiver ran through me. A small red headed woman emerged from the trees taking her side next to Jade. Her scent told me she was a wolf. A rogue to be exact. She watched me with a mischievousness to her eyes. Jade gave her a smile that truly terrified me.

"Cassia will be overseeing the pack as my new beta," Jade nodded towards the woman.

"Your new beta?" West asked. Finally breaking his silence.

"Yes. I am the new Alpha of Fenris Moon Pack," Jade said.

"But you're a witch," West said. I gave him a look pleading for him to stop talking. To not push Jade too hard just yet. We needed time. We needed a plan.

"A high witch," Jade's golden eyes glowed as she glared at West. "As a high witch I am more than qualified to lead a group of supernatural beings. Together we will form the first hybrid pack. A pack of true nobility and strength," she took a step closer as she continued to talk. "I am not looking for more enemies but I will tear down anyone, and anything that stands in my way," her voice was suddenly in my mind and I knew her words. Her threat. They were solely for me. If you get in my way. Your mate will pay the price. Take Nolan as proof of my promise.

Jade took a step back. Cassia was at her side in an eye glaring battle with Scott. "Now go back to your pack. Be with your mate. And enjoy my little gift to you," She nodded her head towards Nolan. "We'll be in touch".

With that Jade headed towards the direction of Fenris Moon. Cassia clinging to her side. Scott, West, and I stood there for a moment, frozen in thought. West was about to open his mouth when I shook my head no. We couldn't talk. Not here. Not yet.

"What do we do with his body?" Scott asked, his voice was hoarse.

"We can't give him to Fenris Moon exactly. Who knows what's going on there now.... We should bury him here. On his land. He may be a shit person but no one should be left here like this. Not even him," I said.

We pulled out our claws and began digging into the dirt making a shallow grave. It was rather pitiful but it was something. We remained silent as we worked. It was the edge of the pack lands but still on his territory. West took off his hoodie wrapping it over Nolan as best as he could although it barely covered him. I gently laid him in the grave and we began to cover him with the dirt. When we finished we took a step back. It was basic but it would do.

"Should we... I don't know.. Say something?" West asked.

"No. We should get back. We need to talk to Morgan," I said. 

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