Chapter Thirty Three:

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Tate's POV

Morgan lived in an apartment near campus in the rogue territory, not too far from where Hadley had lived. The werewolves and witches came to an agreement years ago that as long as they didn't interfere or live on pack territory the wolves would leave them alone. That didn't stop everyone though on either end.

Devin looked on edge. She had put her hair up to only take it down multiple times. She kept fidgeting and had been unusually quiet on our way over to Morgan's apartment.

"Would you just relax, you are putting my wolf on edge," I said.

"You know how I feel about witches. How do we know if we can even trust her," she said.

"We can't but she's our best bet of finding Hadley".

"Jillian will find her. Give her a chance," Devin pleaded.

It wasn't that I didn't trust Jillian. I had made her my tracker for a reason. Jillian had a way of sneaking around without being noticed. Sometimes I thought she had more fox than wolf. Even if she did get caught up she was so cunning and charming she could almost always talk her way out of it. Most packs left tracking to male warriors. But there was no denying that Jillian was the best.

I gave Devin a knowing look.

"You think Nolan's working with a witch?"

"I do. That night Hadley was found and attacked at her house. It was on a witch's moon. Nolan had no idea who she was or where she was only that it existed. I suspected for a while he used a witch to locate her," I explained. It wouldn't have been the first time Nolan had used a witch to his advantage. "Morgan is our best chance to give us the information we need to make a plan," I said.

'Let's just get this over with," Devin sighed.

We made our way into the old brick building. West had told us that Morgan lived on the top floor, and what room was hers. The place was practically falling apart. It smelt like old books and murky water. The elevator creaked with every floor it climbed in protest. Devin and I silently made our way to Morgan's door. Devin banged on the door twice with her fist. Before she could do it a third time the door swung open.

"Devin." Morgan glared "Tate. What brings the Alpha of Atlas to my humble abode,".

Morgan had short strawberry blonde hair that fell to her collar bone. Her eyes were a soft hazle. Her nose was scattered with small freckles. Everything about her face was soft. Deceiving. It was a total contradiction to the all black ensemble she was doting. Despite her soft warm features there was that lingering wickedness that danced in her eyes. Drawing you into her clutches.

"Can we come in... please," I asked. Morgan's hand was holding onto the door frame taking her time assessing. She removed her hand and nodded signaling us into her apartment.

It was exactly as I remembered it from the first time I had been here as a teenager. Plants scattered the entire room. Rugs of every color covered the decaying wood floors. Velvet furniture filled the apartment.

"It hasn't changed much since the last time you were here," Morgan said sitting on a mustard yellow velvet chair, swinging her legs over one of its arms. Devin and I sat on a loveseat.

"It's been awhile," I said, giving her a small smile.

"We used to have so much fun the three of us back then. You, me, and West," Morgan smirked. "Sorry you didn't get to join us Devin,".

Devin was doing her best to keep her wolf's temper in check. Her hands gripped the fabric of the cushion. She strained her face to give Morgan a small smile.

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