Chapter Sixty:

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Hadley's POV

I woke up in warm sheets back in my bed. The only proof that anything even happened was the dull pain that lingered below my ribs. I pulled my shirt slightly up to examine the gash. It was mostly healed now, just a long cut. I had no idea how long I had been out for. Someone had cleaned the blood off of me though and put me in fresh clothes. Tate I assumed. I felt relaxed and safe. For the first time of what felt like forever I felt like I could finally breathe without the fear of it being taken away in a matter of moments.

I pulled myself out of the bed and groaned as I stood. My body was completely sore. But somehow I had made it out alive. I left my room following the tug of the mating bond as it led me to the kitchen.

Gathered around the table were all of the people I had grown to love so much, totally immersed in their conversation. Genuine smiles seemed to fill all of their faces. Devin was on Scott's lap her arms wrapped around his neck. His normally stern face was radiating with his smile. Jillian leaned back resting a mug between her hands. She was playfully glaring at West whose hands were raised as he tried to explain whatever it was that he was talking about.

My eyes met my mate and I watched closely as he smiled so bright at his friends. He was sitting on the counter running a hand through his wavy hair, a cup of coffee in the other. Enjoying every moment. As though he could sense me watching him he turned around. Mine. He was mine and I would finally have the chance to just be with him without all the other stuff in the way.

"Good morning beautiful," he smiled. The warmth filled my cheeks as I made my way to him. He wrapped his arms around my neck pulling me into him. I let my body lean into his loving the electric feeling where our bodies met. I didn't know if I would ever get used to that feeling that being with one's mate brought.

"How long was I out for?" I smiled.

"Three days!" Devin shouted, smiling. "I was so worried about you but this one insisted that we let you sleep," she said pointing at Tate.

"Devin pestered me so much I debated chaining her to a bed," Tate said. I turned slowly to meet his gaze. I couldn't help the smile as it formed on my mouth. Tate gave me a knowing look waiting patiently.

"Yeah about that.....," a nervous laugh left my mouth. "How mad are you?"

"Oh I was furious but I have many, many ways that I plan to have you make it up to me," Tate playfully winked. The blush fully hit my cheeks. From behind me I could hear Jillian groan and mumble something sassy.

Changing the subject I turned facing the group. Tate planted a kiss on the side of my cheek. "What did I miss while I was out?" I asked.

The group glanced around at one another before West stepped up and spoke "Well a lot of shit is still going down but Fenris Moon Pack is gone," he said.

"Gone?" I asked.

"More wolves that we thought sided with Jade and fought for her. I don't know if it was magic or what but all of them were killed. There weren't a ton of survivors. Those who did weren't loyal to her have either gone rogue or joined another pack but Fenris Moon is just gone. There were so few left," West said.

A whole pack just gone. Just like that. I shivered. Tate gave me a comforting squeeze, pulling me a little closer.

"What about Jade?" I asked cautiously.

"Her magic is gone completely. You should have seen her when she realized-"

"West," Tate warned. West looked at Tate and nodded.

"We don't know exactly what to do with her. She's being held at Blood Bane. She isn't a witch anymore, but she still has connections. She could still be a threat," Jillian said, taking over for West.

"Braxton wants you to decide what to do with her but only when you're ready," Tate said.

I nodded. Trying to process everything. We stayed in the kitchen talking for hours. About the packs. The potential threat of the other witches. The new unclaimed territory of what used to be Fenris Moon Pack. There was a lot that would need to be resolved in the upcoming months. But I was so grateful that we would have the time to resolve it.

Tate dragged me away to our room. It was almost impossible to keep my hands off of him. I can't believe I had almost lost him. Lost this whole life that we would have together.

"I love you Hadley," He said against my mouth between each kiss.

"I love you too Tate," I smiled.

"Who would have thought that my mate would turn out to be such a ferocious badass," he laughed. I playfully shoved him laughing. "I don't think our pack will ever get challenged again with you by my side as luna".

"Tate," I said quietly. "Do you think I should be the Alpha of Blood Bane?" I asked.

"I think if that's what you want to do then you should. It is your right. You technically are the first in line," he said tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

I playfully rolled my eyes "you're no help".

"I can't make that decision for you but I would be proud to be your luna," he winked.

"Realistically though we'd merge the packs," I said thinking through it out loud. "But that's what Jade tried to do and I don't want to be like her".

"Jade tried to claim something that wasn't hers though. You're my mate so Atlas Pack will always be yours and Blood Bane is yours by birth right". Tate said.

"I just want to be here right now. I just want to be the luna of Atlas and be your mate. Hell just be a normal werewolf for a while," I said.

Tate pulled me into his arms placing a kiss on my forehead. "Then that is what we shall do. We have all the time in the world to figure it out".

"As long as I'm yours" I said into his chest.

He tilted my chin up so that my eyes met his. "Always my love".

Thank you! Thank you to everyone who has read, commented, and loved this story as much as I have.  I truly am so grateful for this community and all of your support. It  means the world to me and I don't have the words to fully express how it makes me feel. 

If you loved this book go check out my other book The Alphas Assassin!

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