Chapter Forty:

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Hadley's POV

"There's no need to be so... violent," Nolan's eyes glimmered with a wicked playfulness. I knew that he saw this all as one big game. He liked seeing the reaction he could get from me. The darkness he brought out.

"Are you going to cooperate or not?" Tate asked uninterested.

"I like living. PlusI have come to learn not to question Hadley's promises. I do find it interesting Tate how you let a she wolf run things around here. Not very alpha like at all," Nolan taunted.

Tates face broke into an amused smirk. "Hadley and I are a team. Plus she has managed to handle herself and speak for the pack quite exceptionally. I'm not above sharing power with my equal".

My heart filled with his words. I knew he meant it too. Tate had always given me choices and respected my decisions. He knew when to let me lead and when he should. I had to admit we were a good team. I tore my eyes away from admiring his handsome face and focused back on Nolan who just looked annoyed.

"What is her name," I demanded.

"You already know her name," Nolan turned, looking at Tate as he spoke.

"Say it" Tate growled.


Tate's face scrunched up. I could tell what Nolan said had bothered him. I didn't know who Morgan was but clearly Tate did.

Tate turned away without another word and walked up the stairs leaving Nolan and I alone in the cell.

"Who's Morgan?" I asked.

"Ask your mate?" Nolan winked at me. I felt a pit in my stomach. It wasn't fair for me to be jealous of Tate's life before. I had been with others as well. The thought of my mate with someone else though.... It wasn't something I wanted to think about. I huffed and left Nolan in the cell.

Tate was standing outside pacing on his phone. He only stopped when he noticed me cautiously approaching him.

"Who's Morgan?"

"It can't be Morgan, it doesn't make sense. She wouldn't do something like this" Tate said pacing again.

"I mean if you guys ended on bad terms it's possible".

Tate turned towards me running his hand through his hair with a confused look "What?" he asked.

"Your break up" I said.

Tate cracked a small smile amused. "Morgan and I never dated. We were friends for years. Her and West had a thing. Now that ended badly but Morgan isn't the type to do this. Witch or not she wouldn't do this to me, not after everything....... She tried to help us find you when you were taken,"

"Maybe she changed," I said carefully. "Maybe something happened".

"She's one of my oldest friends, Hadley," Tate said his eyes looked so sad.

I went towards him and grabbed his hand giving it a squeeze. "Nolan's a liar and a trickster. He could be making it up. If Morgan is your friend then you should ask her. Have her come here. If she's innocent, great. If not we will be safer here on our land," I said.

"You're an amazing Luna you know that?" Tate said, giving me a light kiss.

"I know I'm new to all of this but I care a lot about this pack. About you and our friends. I want to earn my place here," I said.

"That's what makes you such a great luna," Tate said playing with my hair. "I'll call Morgan now and ask her to come. Nolan isn't going anywhere just yet".

"How long do you think we can keep him here before his pack comes?" I asked.

"Not long" Tate said.

I left Tate to call Morgan on the phone. Through our link he told me she would be here later today. It seemed that she was perfectly ok with coming onto the pack territory. I hoped for Tate's sake that Nolan was lying. I didn't trust her though. If she pulled anything I would be ready.

I went to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. West and Devin were sitting at the table in silence. It was odd to not have them bickering with one another. I put the kettle on the stove. I pulled my body up sitting on the countertop as I waited for the water to boil.

"I didn't know you were into witches West," I teased trying to get a smirk from either him or Devin.

West turned to me with a small scowl on his face.

"West will go after just about anything with a pulse," Devin said. A small wicked grin formed on her lips.

"You two are the worst together you know that?" West complained. Although I watched as his shoulders relaxed and the corner of his mouth flicked up. "Why are you bringing up Morgan?" West asked.

My face became serious again. "She may be coming tonight" I said, not meeting their gazes.

"What? Why?" Devin asked.

"Nolan claimed that she's the witch he worked with," I couldn't look at West. Thankfully my tea boiling was a welcomed diversion.

"I never liked that witch," Devin said, crossing her arms unsurprised.

"Devin stop. Morgan's not like that," West said.

"I'm sorry are we forgetting what happened when you broke up and how she-"

West cut her off. "Stop Devin. That was years ago. Morgan wouldn't work with Nolan for any reason".

Devin still did not look convinced despite what West had said. I could tell West was deep in thought.

"She'll be here in an hour," I said quietly.

"Good. Link me when she gets here," West said standing up and leaving the room without another word.

"What did Morgan do to West?" I asked Devin.

"She nearly killed him with a blood curse," Devin said meeting her gaze there was no playfulness in her eyes as the words sent a shiver through me. "If it wasn't for Tate I.... Morgan owes her life to Tate. She'd be an idiot to betray him after what I almost did".

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