Chapter Twenty Four:

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Hadley's POV

The bonfire had ended and I was back in my. I had tried to dodge Nolan the rest of the night and his advances that ran my blood cold. It was clear that he was pushing for me. Pushing me to come to Fenris Moon. With the promise that if I didn't make that visit he would be back.

I washed up in the bathroom. Trying to scrub off the feeling of his touch from my skin. After my skin was raw I made my way out of the bathroom. The flash of blue on my pillow caught my way. I made my way over. There on my pillow was a small blue flower and a note.

I snached the note and read it quickly.

My little wolf- I'm glad we were finally able to meet. This flower reminded me of you. It's scent is what I imagine you will taste like. Sweet and yielding.

I physically gagged at the note as I shredded it and the flower. Tossing it in the trash. I scanned the room quickly making sure every door and window was locked. How had he gotten in? I grabbed a knife and placed it on my bedside table. I practically jumped from my skin at the light knock on the door.

I slowly approached with my knife at my side ready to strike. I opened the door quickly to see Tate standing there, his eyes darting between me and the knife confused. "Oh thank god," I sighed, setting the knife down on the dresser.

"Were you expecting someone else?" Tate asked me confused.

"Nolan left me a present and a note," I said my eyes pointing at the trash. "He's going to try to take me. I don't get why he wants me," I said shaking my head.

Tate wrapped his arms around me pulling me into his chest. I breathed him in. His scent alone made me feel so secure. "Nolan wants power. You give him that. It's why he's so drawn to you. You played your part well though," he said, kissing my forehead. "I hated seeing him so close to you but I was afraid if I stepped in I would give myself away. It took everything in me not to rip him to shreds right there," Tate's grip tightened around me.

Before I could get any more words out. Tate slammed his mouth into mine possessively. He led me to the bed laying me down so that his hard body was on top of mine. I couldn't help the moan that escaped my lips. After everything we went through today it felt so good to have him close to me. Every kiss was more urgent than the last as our hands frantically roamed each other's bodies.

"Claim me," I said grabbing his chin so that his dark eyes could meet mine. "Claim me now.. Please Tate,". I ground my hips into him. I could feel his body responding to mine.

"Fuck Hadley. Don't tempt me like this," He said his lips traveling down my neck.

"Claim me," I said pushing myself harder into him. I grabbed him and flipped him so that he was beneath me. I was straddled on top of him.

"I want to Hadley. So bad you have no idea," he said groaning into my ear.

"I'm yours Tate only yours. I need you," I whispered into his ear, my hands traveling dangerously low.

Tate took me by the hips and flipped me again so I was underneath him. He pinned my hands above my head. He kissed me so that each kiss was deeper than the last as it slowed down. He looked at me, his dark eyes turning back to their warm brown.

"Hadley when this is all over there will be nothing that stops me from claiming you on the spot," He placed a long kiss on my lips. "But we have to wait," he said, laying next to me pulling me into his chest so that we were spooning.

I huffed in defeat as I nestled into his warm strong chest. From down the hall we could hear Jillian and Braxton. Clearly enjoying eachothers company.

"You've got to be kidding me," I complained.

Tate started laughing. Kissing my neck in the spot in which he would eventually place that claim on me. "Soon enough Hadley. Soon enough,". 

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