Chapter Forty Nine:

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Hadley's POV

"That's all the welcome I get," Cassia purred. "After everything we went through". She put her hand to her chest with a sarcastic smirk.

"I'm surprised you showed up here at all. I figured with your freedom I wouldn't see you for a long time," I countered.

Cassia smiled with a cat-like grin. "I earned my freedom a long time ago. It was hard on my own, but I made some friends along the way," She taunted. She was so different from the quiet timid girl I had remembered at Nolan's. That whole facade was shredded and replaced with this sneaky person I barely recognized.

"Friends from high places it seems," I said emphasizing the high in my sentence.

"Jade makes it easy to be here friend. Especially when she gives so much in return," Cassia played.

"And what does she give you exactly?" I asked, glaring at her. Blair was quiet by my side. Unsure of how to react. No one else seemed to pick up on the presence of the uninvited guest.

"Another time little Hadley," She purred. My blood was boiling. "Now as promised your present," she said. Cassia handed me the small but long box wrapped in a durzy gold paper with a silky ribbon wrapped around it. The box was heavy as I let its weight shift over my hand.

"The gift comes with a message from our dear friend," Cassia refused to let that feral grin leave her face. It only pushed me further into the rage that was coursing through me. We stared at each other for a minute. My grip tightened on the box.

"Well are you going to tell me the message or not. I'm a busy woman," I growled.

"Oh the message is in the gift," Cassia winked at me.

"Then it seems you can get the hell off of my territory then," I said with a pretty smile on my face keeping my voice sweet.

"Enjoy your party Hadley. I look forward to seeing you again. Real soon".

I watched her leave the house frozen in the middle of the room with the gold wrapped box in my hand. I gripped it at my sides and marched up to my room throwing the box against the wall.

It left a small dent in the wall before hitting the floor with a large thud. My claws had been shifting in and out of their wolf form. I focused on my breathing trying to keep my emotions in check.

Tate opened the door wrapping me up in his arms. His one arm pulled me at my waist closer to him. His other hand cradled my head as he kissed the top of it.

"One of the border patrol wolves just informed me they saw Cassia leaving the pack lands. Are you ok?" He asked in a hushed voice.

"She came to give me a present from Jade," I said turning my head to nod in the direction of the box.

"What is it?" Tate asked.

"I don't know I haven't opened it," My words were muffled as I pushed my face into Tate's chest, breathing in his comforting scent. Tate grabbed my chin tilting my head up gently.

"Don't let her get to you. Not now. This is our night. Don't let her take that away from us. From what matters," Tate said kissing my face between his words.

"I just want this to be over Tate. I'm exhausted," I sighed.

"Soon my love. I never thought I would have this. I thought I would never get to have you here as my mate as the Luna. It was all just wishful thinking. I am so lucky to have you. I won't let anyone diminish that," Tate said. I stood on my tip toes placing a long kiss on his lips. He was worth all of it.

"I'm lucky you found me," I whispered sweetly. Tate smiled at me gently as his thumb gently caressed my cheek. He mumbled something so softly along the lines of "perfect" as he traced my cheek with his finger. He looked so content in that moment. It warmed my whole body. The rage had faded.

"We should probably open it right?" I asked despite never wanting to leave this place in Tate's arms.

He sighed before glancing at the box on the floor. "Probably". His voice was muffled from leaning into my hair. He gave me another small squeeze before pulling away, making his way over to the golden box. His hand hesitated only for a moment before he picked it up from where I had chucked it at the ground and handed it to me.

I grabbed the box staring at it before slowly tugging at the end of the silk ribbon. The bow undone fell to the floor. I cautiously peeled at the wrapping. I did not want to disturb whatever was inside.

The wrapping now gone revealed a sleek black box. I took a deep breath preparing myself for whatever I may find before popping the lid open.

The shiny reflection of the silver caught my eye first. It was just as I had remembered it. I grabbed ahold the handle letting the comfortable weight rest in my hand. It still held that feeling. Like there was otherworldliness that could be found in the intricate carvings. The ribbon with script tied to the end though. Well that part was new.

"Is that..." Tate began to ask.

"The dagger I almost sliced Nolan's throat with.... yes ," I said my eyes unable to peel away from the call of the blade. I slowly undid the tie of the ribbon. I handed the dagger to Tate as I pulled the ribbon straight so that I could read it better.

"What does it say?" Tate asked. His eyes were on that dagger though.

"In a time of celebration lets not forget the monsters that lay beneath the silver and the smoke," I read.

"Well that's cryptic," Tate said annoyed.

"She's talking about me," I said quietly.

"That much I did get. But the rest. Does it mean something to you?" Tate asked.

"The silver eyes is a reference to me. The smoke... When Nolan captured me Jade put this like smoke on me. I don't know how to describe it. I was me but I wasn't. I had no control over my words or my actions. She was connected to me," I shuddered at the memory of clawing my way painstakingly through that smoke.

Tate grabbed my face gently. "I can't begin to imagine what you went through or how that felt. But don't let her get to you. You are no monster Had. She's just trying to get into your head".

"I know. It's just she saw me, every inch of me. I've done or almost done some terrible things Tate. Who is to say at the end of the day I'm any better than her". I said lowering my eyes. I couldn't meet his warm brown gaze.

"Stop," He lifted my chin so I was forced to meet those eyes. "You are not Jade. We have all done terrible things. The person I have had to become to protect the people I love.... Hadley you are different. Jade is calculated and cold. She does things out of selfishness. Don't confuse survival and protecting the people you love with that". Tate searched my eyes with his. Making sure I heard him. Really heard him and understood. Believed what he was saying.

"Why would she send this?" I asked.

"It's a honey coated threat. I doubt this is the last present we will be getting from Jade," Tate said studying the knife, before handing it to me. His hand lightly pushed the handle of the blade into my palm. His hand stayed there as he spoke with a gentle smile. "This belongs to you. It's a Blood Bane blade. Promise me you won't forget your strength and the courage you have when it comes to the people you care for most".

"I promise," I said. I meant it too. My hand tightened around the handle as my knuckles went nearly white. "If Jade tries to hurt you or this pack. I'll kill her myself" I spun the blade in my hand letting the sinister smile make its way onto my face.

I was a good person but I would not let a threat from Jade be taken lightly. If she wanted to hurt me, Tate, or the pack.... Hale wouldn't be the only one with a knife in his neck.

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