Chapter Thirty One:

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Tate's POV

I heard someone calling my name. My brain was still lingering in that darkness. I opened my eyes to see West standing above me. My head pounded as the light of the sun burned my eyes. It was the worst migraine I had ever had. I sat up and took in the field we were in. We were back in our packs territory on the edge that laid next to the rogue territory.

"What happened?" I asked. West was pacing back in forth in the field. His hands rubbing at his temples.

"Assholes must have drugged us," he muttered.


"She isn't here. I already sent a link to Scott".

"He has her. Fuck" I said, putting my head to my knees. I had failed her. My one promise of keeping her safe and I let Nolan take her.

"The guy is psychotic. We have to get her back Tate," West was pacing faster.

"The only thing we have going for us is that he needs her. He won't hurt her,". I was trying to convince myself more than West. I had to be smart about this. I shoved all the instinct to run and go find her immediately.

"There are more ways to hurt someone than physical pain. Who knows what he's telling her. Or where he's keeping her," West said.

"I know we wanted to keep this contained but the pack needs to know. The other Alpha's need to know. He may only be screwing with us and Blood Bane right now but it's only a matter of time. Nolan isn't one to be..... Satiated."

My mind was racing with thoughts of Hadley. What he was doing to her. Her safety.

"We shouldn't have left her alone with him," West said.

"Hadley is smart and powerful. Her plan was good. Nolan was just a step ahead of us," I said.

"How are we going to get her back?" he asked.

"I don't know West.... Gather the pack. Now that Nolan has her it's only a matter of time before he lashes out. We need to be prepared for anything,"

"You think he's going to attack?" West asked, stopping finally in his tracks.

"I think the rogues will first. When they do we need to be ready,".

Hadley's POV

Nolan and I had been sitting at the table for hours. He had pulled out some titleless black book that he was reading oh so closely. While he read I stared at that cold face plotting all the ways I would smash it in till it was unrecognizable.

"How did you become the alpha?" I asked. Nolan's eyes finally left that book page as he looked at me curiously. He set the book down resting his elbows on the table.

"I inherited it when I turned twenty two. My father was the Alpha before," his eyes watched me closely. Like a cat with a toy.

"What happened to your father?"

"He was weak. The pack was struggling. I did what was necessary," his face didn't change.

"So you just happened to kill your father too?" I said sarcastically.

"I didn't kill him. I challenged him. He lost," Nolan stated bluntly.

"Where is he now?" I asked.

"He became a rogue. I haven't seen him since. Couldn't care less to be honest. He was a sad excuse for an alpha and led to the suffering of my pack," he continued leaning in closer with each word.

"Right," I dragged the word out. "Well you are currently causing me to suffer so the apple doesn't seem to fall far from the tree," I smirked.

"Taking you was a calculated choice. I weighed the outcomes. Your suffering as you so longingly put it will allow my pack to flourish. Just so you know you're the only one who is causing your own misery. I wasn't lying when I said I want you to be happy here," Nolan said leaning back in his chair.

"It's not exactly easy to be happy when I was taken against my own will," I spat.

"Like I said a decision was made. My only regret is the cut on your face although it's seemed to heal quite nicely,".

Nolan stood up making his way over to my chair. My whole body stiffened as he got down on his knees and stroked a knuckle across my cheek where the blood had been.

"You truly are very beautiful my darling little wolf," he whispered softly.

My body was practically shaking with rage as his hand continued to stroke my face.

"You'll find Hadley that you will grow to care for me. Even love me," he said meeting my grey green eyes that had gone dark with anger.

"I seriously doubt that," I hissed.

"Witches are better than just creating shields. Especially with the blood oath that she solidified years ago, it's only a matter of time darling... you'll see. Soon you won't even care about that mate of yours".

My blood ran cold as I stared into those depthless eyes. Looking for any shred of proof that he was lying. That he didn't have access to that kind of power.

"Please don't do this," my voice was quiet as the words broke out.

"I'm doing this for us. I love you Hadley soon you'll love me just the same".

He placed a lingering kiss on my cheek before sitting back down in his chair and picked up his book to continue reading. I watched him horrified by the fact that he could be telling the truth. That the witch had the power to turn me against myself. That I could grow to love him against my own will. That the next time I saw Tate I wouldn't see Tate my handsome amazing mate but my enemy.

"How long?" I asked.

"Be patient darling. All in good time".

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