Chapter Forty Eight:

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Hadley's POV

It had been almost a full week since Jade had killed Nolan and there was no news of any kind from Fenris Moon Pack. The line had been completely silent. Not even a rogue the pack had been questioned earlier in the week seemed to know anything. Jade was cunning whatever she was doing would be intricate. Practically full proof.

I gazed at myself in the mirror. Jillian and Devin had dragged me to the shops a few days ago and put me in about a hundred different dresses before we all settled on this one. Devin explained the Atlas pack's version of today as a werewolf version of a wedding and swearing in ceremony.

My dress could hardly be compared to a wedding dress but it was pure perfection in my eyes. The gown had long sleeves with a plunging v-neck. It was made of a gauzy sheer dark blue material with iridescent silver shimmer. It looked like the night sky had been turned into fabric and formed into the dress. The top was like a second skin that cinched at the waist before flowing to the floor in cascading waves. I had kept my hair straight pulling part of it up.

Devin knocked on the door before coming into the room fully taking in the dress.

"It is even more stunning than I remember. It will look even better with the full moon reflecting off of it," Devin said clutching onto the wooden box in her hands.

"You think Tate will like it?" I asked shyly.

"He's not going to be able to form the words," she laughed. "This is for you. Tate wanted me to bring it to you," she opened up the box to reveal a stunning headband. It was crafted with small diamonds that were in the shape of intricate stars.

"Wow," I mumbled fully entranced as my hands traced the shapes of the stars.

"It's an Atlas pack heirloom. Kind of like our crown of sorts. The pack Luna always wears it at more formal events. It was Tate's mom's he has been holding onto it for years," Devin explained.

I leaned down as Devin placed the headband on my head. It worked perfectly with the hairstyle I had chosen. I looked even more like a star with it on. The beauty of it took my breath away. It felt heavy like it was made of rich materials. But it felt right on my head. Like it belonged. For the first time I truly felt like the Luna of the Atlas Pack. Like I fully belonged. Devin gave my hand an encouraging squeeze.

"I don't know what I did to deserve all of this," I said, still unable to stop staring at myself in the mirror. The woman before me was so different from the college girl I had been only a few months ago.

"You are strong, practically fearless, I am lucky and honored to serve as a pack member," Devin said sincerely. I pulled her in giving her a tight hug.

"Thank you," I muttered into her curly long blonde hair.

"Are you ready to do this?" She asked, giving me a playful smile.


Devin guided me outside to the small gazebo that had been set up in the clearing of the woods. The sky was bright and the full moon illuminated the world before us. The ceremony as promised was completely different from what Nolan had put me through. It was small. Only the inner circle of the pack was gathered along with Mason, who I assumed was stepping out of his pack doctor duties to hold the ceremony. I had barely seen him since everything that happened with the young boy. Mason gave me a kind smile.

Tate was standing in the gazebo in a navy tux that was so dark it was almost black. His wavy hair had been tousled into a more tame version of his normal style. His face was in a grin that made my heart flutter. Devin took her spot outside the gazebo next to Scott who gave me a small smile and nod; before pulling Devin in closer, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

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