Chapter Fifty Four:

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Hadley's POV

I had found some sleep through the night, but the endless nightmares kept me awake for the most part. Tate thankfully seemed to be resting soundly. He had been so stressed. I was grateful at least one of us was able to sleep.

I slid from his arms wrapped around me. The sun wasn't even up yet. The spring air was damp and foggy. I checked the clock only to groan at the time. Four seventeen am. Way too early.

I made my way down to the kitchen being mindful of my steps. With everyone on edge in the house I didn't want to wake anyone else up. A large cup of coffee, that was what I needed.

My soul nearly left my body as I jumped after turning on the lights. It took me a moment to calm myself and register who was at the table.

"Damn it West you scared the crap out of me," I whisper yelled.

"How was I supposed to know you'd be up this early," He whisper shouted back with a slight smile.

I rolled my eyes and got out the coffee making a full pot. I sat up on the counter as I eagerly waited for it to brew.

"Can't sleep?" West asked, watching me closely. Trying to read how I was doing. How I was feeling.

"Not really.... You either?" I asked.

West was quiet for a moment. "I haven't slept really at all since I blacked out. Everytime I close my eyes I see her face," he shuddered.

"I get it. I keep seeing her or Darren. I haven't decided which ones worse yet," I said quietly. West gave me an empathetic small smile.

I poured us both a large cup of coffee and handed one to West.

"Why the hell are you both up so early?"

Jillian was standing in the doorway. She looked half wild. Her curly black hair was filled with leaves. She was dusted with dirt. The flame in her eyes was bright and alive. A total contrast to the dark circles under her eyes.

I set my coffee on the table and ran to her wrapping her in a bone crushing hug. Jillian's face broke into a large smile as she squeezed me back.

"You look like hell," I laughed.

"So do you bitch," She squeezed harder as she whispered in my ear. "I am so glad you're ok". I pulled away slightly to see her eyes were watery. She took a deep breath before making her way to West. Before she even got over to him he had stood up wrapping her in his arms, lifting her off the ground. West realizing how the hug may be perceived set Jillian back down but the smile stayed planted on his face.

It felt so good to have this small moment of happiness. A small moment to ignore and forget all the horrible things that had happened. I got out another cup for Jillian as we all sat at the table.

"I can't believe your back. I figured you'd be with Braxton in Blood Bane," I said giving her hand a squeeze. Jillian took a large gulp of coffee.

"I was there at first, the whole pack is a mess. Braxton is doing the best he can but without an Alpha they're at a huge risk," Jillian said. Her voice was so loud I had no doubt the rest of the house would be awake soon enough.

"Who's going to be Alpha?" I asked.

"Well as of now there's no clear Alpha. Blair is the Luna and could run it with Braxton. Don't get me wrong she's great but she's devastated she just lost her mate. Not to mention she has been a rogue for such a long time she was just learning how to be in a pack let alone lead it," Jillian explained.

"Are there any challengers for Alpha yet?" West asked.

"Not yet but give it a week and I'm sure a few of the warriors will be lining up at the chance. At least for now they're respecting Braxton's place in charge," Jillian said. I could tell she was trying to hide the worry in her voice.

"Will Braxton take on any challenges. Does he want to be Alpha?" I asked.

"Braxton... I think he would until there is a clear Alpha. He never wanted power. Darren was his best friend, and he loves the pack but he never expected to become the Alpha. He never wanted the title... Braxton will do what is best for the pack".

"Well there is one way to secure the position?" West said quietly.

A loud snarl left Jillian's mouth as she glared daggers at West. She slammed her hand on the table as she fired her words at him. "Don't you dare even suggest that! It is not an option!"

"Ok. Ok. I'm sorry I shouldn't have said it," West said trying to calm Jillian down.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked.

"Braxton could take Blair as his mate and that would automatically and officially make him the Alpha," Jillian's eyes were on fire. I had never seen her so angry.

"Braxton adores you, he wouldn't even consider it," I said. Jillian noticeably relaxed.

"I know," She said, her voice calm again.

"I'll stay here until we figure this Jade situation out but after.... Braxton needs me in Blood Bane. Until the pack is stable he needs my help," Jillian said softly.

I hated the idea of Jillian not being around but I understood. The last thing I wanted to see was Blood Bane fall.

Tate made his way to the kitchen. Running a hand through his slightly disheveled hair.

"Gods Jillian you have the loudest voice for such a small person," Tate laughed.

Jillian returned his laugh with a wicked smirk of amusement. "I missed you too Tate".

"Morgan called. She'll be here in a couple hours," Tate said.

"That's good right? That means she found something?" Jillian asked.

"Maybe. How's Blood Bane? Braxton?" Tate asked Jillian.

"Not great. After everything I'll be going back and helping Braxton till they figure out this Alpha thing," Jillian said.

"Do whatever you need to do. You don't need my permission," Tate said.

"I never asked for your permission," Jillian playfully winked. Tate rolled his eyes. "Thank you though. I appreciate the sentiment," Jillian laughed.

"Hadley you could be Alpha," West said. We all turned to look at him. "What? Don't look at me like that she could. Hadley you are the Alpha's daughter you're technically the next in line. If you wanted you could claim the pack as yours. It's the whole reason Nolan was interested in you in the first place," West said.

"What? No. No. I can't be Alpha. I've never even been to Blood Bane. Plus I'm the Luna here. I don't think the other packs would exactly be thrilled at having Tate and I have control over two packs," I said.

"Well you could. You could be Alpha. Most of the pack members would respect that you are Alpha Warren's heir," West continued.

"He's right you know. You would have a few challengers but it could be yours if you want it" Jillian said quietly.

"I can't think about that right now. Darren just died! He just died and you all expect me to just take his spot. No way!" My voice raised. It felt so wrong. I couldn't even fathom the idea.

Tate moved so he was next to me. His scent almost immediately relaxing me.

"Let's just see what Morgan has to say and we will go from there. Ok?" Tate said.

The group agreed.

I couldn't be the Alpha of Blood Bane. I just couldn't.

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