Chapter Forty One:

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Hadley's POV

I was surprised when Morgan finally showed up. I had never met a witch before so I guess I had not been too sure what to expect. Morgan was a petite strawberry blonde with soft delicate features. She was wearing all black lace. My wolf sensed that she was different. I wondered if all witches would give a similar feeling.

We had all been sitting in the study when she marched in without any warning. She had stood directly in front of me as though she was sizing me up. West sat up in his chair, his body went totally rigid as his eyes darted between Morgan and I. Her eyes never left mine as she spoke.

"Good to see you West. You're looking better than last time. You can relax. I'll leave you alone for now," Morgan said. Her voice was sweet but laced with something much darker.

"Morgan I see you're still charming as ever," West mumbled sarcastically. Morgan finally took her eyes off of me giving him a toothy smile. Devin was standing next to the fire with her arms crossed. She looked ready to strike as she marked Morgan's every movement.

"You must be the Hadley. Glad to see they found you all in one piece. You were touched by the smoke," Her eyes scanned me as though she could see right through me. See that layer of fogged that had controlled my entire being. She smiled again, this time more sincere. "It's fully gone now but it leaves its mark".

"You seem to know a lot about it," I said shortly. I still wasn't sure what to believe. If she was playing us all and had placed that smoke herself.

"It's complex magic but something every witchling is taught whether they can actually perform it or not," Morgan explained.

"And can you perform it?" I asked sharply.

"I could but I haven't ever tried. It's not something a witch does lightly. That kind of magic.... It takes something from you. The cost on ourselves is great," Morgan said her eyes darting between us. "Is this some kind of trial? Do you think I did this to her?" her voice grew angrier. I could have sworn the whole room grew darker.

"Nolan says you're the one who placed the spell on Hadley. That you're the one working with him," Tate said calmly.

"Do you believe him?" Morgan's voice was still dark but I saw the flash of hurt her face showed at Tate's words.

"I'm giving you a chance here Morgan. I don't want to believe that you did this," Tate said.

"Well you clearly are considering it since you bothered to bring me here and question me. Did you convince them of this?" Morgan said pointing her finger at West.

"Morgan....," West said slowly. For a moment it looked like he wanted to reach out to her. Comfort her. He paused knowing better. Devin had moved in closer to us.

"So because I'm a witch you all just assumed that I would be out to get you. You think after what you did for me. After I helped you try to get her back you still believe that I would be capable of this. You all suck. Screw you all," Morgan tried leaving but Devin was blocking the door.

"We aren't finished here yet," Devin said firmly.

"Move or I will burn you from the inside," Morgan whispered.

"No," Devin held her spot.

"Morgan please. Just hear me out," Tate said grabbing Morgan's arm gently. "I know you. I've known you for years. I don't think you did this but try to see it from my perspective. Nolan and whoever he's working with could destroy my pack. My family. I have to inspect every possibility".

"I assumed as your friend you would know better than to ever question my loyalty to you," Morgan said. She was starting to calm down. The room returned to its normal brightness.

"Morgan the last time I really saw you was after everything went down with West," Tate said carefully.

"That was years ago. I was a teenager who got dumped by a wannabe playboy," Morgan said.

"Hey not fair," West said defensively. Morgan glared at West. He closed his mouth and raised his hands up.

"I didn't even mean to hurt him like that. I was angry. I didn't have full control of my powers yet," Morgan said talking more to West and Devin than Tate.

"Ok. I believe you. I'm sorry I accused you," Tate said.

"We still have Nolan to think about. What are we going to do with him?" I asked.

"He's here?" Morgan asked, raising an eyebrow. I nodded back yes. A small sinister smile danced on her lips. "Well lucky for you I have something that can help. Consider it my act of good faith. I don't want you to question me anymore".

"Done. What can you do?" Tate asked.

"I can go into his mind. If another witch is working with him. They'll have left their mark" she explained.

"Jillian was touched by a witch. Could you look at her too?" I asked. Everyone else looked at me. As though that was not common knowledge. "What?" Devin asked. Ignoring her Morgan contemplated.

"Call her down," she said to Tate. He mind linked her. I could hear the footsteps as Jillian made her way into the room. The bags under her eyes seemed darker than before. That burning in her still dulled.

"Hi Morgan," Jillian blushed lightly.

"Jillian," Morgan smiled. Devin was rolling her eyes. West eyed me, raising his eyebrows playfully before linking with me. They hooked up for a little. Before her and I dated. West explained. Oh. I linked back. Jillian was head over heels for Braxton there was no denying that bond. Although it was evident that there was a history between her and Morgan.

"You look like shit," Morgan teased. A true smile escaped Jillian's face.

"At least I have a reason," She taunted. Morgan made her way over to Jillian gently placing her hands on her face so her hands rested on her temples. Jillian closed her eyes taking in a deep breath.

We stood there for a long time. Both Jillian and Morgan were completely frozen eyes closed. I had no idea what was going on. Finally after it felt like ages Jillian let out a deep sigh opening her eyes. The dullness had returned bright and fiery. The bags were already starting to clear. Relief washed over her face.

"You sly bitch," Jillian said, pulling Morgan into a tight hug. Everyone shared the joy at a normal Jillian comment.

"What did you do?" Devin asked.

Morgan pulled away from the bone crushing hug. Jillian couldn't keep the grin off her face. "I just unweaved a very complicated web that was covering Jillian. I'll take a drink if you could," Morgan said, taking a seat exhaustedly.

"Say no more," West said, popping off the couch into the kitchen.

"Do you know who did it. Who placed the spell," Tate asked.

"I have an idea but I need to see Nolan to be sure. Accusing a fellow witch of this is not something I will do lightly. I'll be going against my own kind," Morgan said.

"Do you want to rest first?" I asked.

"I just need a minute to recenter my powers, then I want to see him," Morgan said, putting her hair in a bun before taking the glass of deep red wine from West. "Thank you". She took a large deep swig. The color returned to her face.

"Ok let's do this," She said, setting the glass on the table. "Lead me to the snake".

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