Chapter Fifty Seven:

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Hadley's POV

The message from Jade with the invitation to the ball came a few days later. Each day was spent training, preparing. Plans were made and practiced. As far as everyone else was concerned Tate, West, Devin, and I would be attending the party. Tate and I would be a distraction to Jade. Devin would deal with Cassia. Leaving West to make the attack.

I felt guilty everytime we planned and practiced. Jillian and I had been sneaking around making our own plans. I would be breaking Tate's trust. If it meant keeping him safe though. Keeping him alive. I was willing to risk it all for him. This had to be me, I wouldn't allow anyone else I cared for to die at the hands of Jade.

The day of the ball was finally here. I had slipped away in the middle of the night to meet Jillian in the woods. Leaving Tate asleep in our bed. I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before sneaking out of the room. As far as I knew he was still fast asleep. Not even realizing I had left. He would wake up totally clueless with me back in his arms.

The woods were pitch black yet my wolf vision allowed me to see clearly. I went to the spot Jillian mentioned. She was already there. I could see her pacing.

"You got it?" I asked.

Jillian pulled from her sweatshirt pocket the silver chain.

"You don't even want to know what I had to do to get my hands on this," Jillian said.

I raised my eyebrow curiously as I took the chain. I felt the recoil my wolf had at the feeling of it. Wrong. It felt entirely wrong.

"How do you even know Everett?" I asked. Jillian had secured the chain from a contact she had made with a man named Everett. She never went fully into detail. Only that she knew a way we could keep Tate contained and that he would be the guy to get it from.

"It is a very long story from my early days as a tracker. He was dating a witch at the time and snagged a few things. He's completely human but he has ties all over the paranormal world," Jillian explained. Her voice stalled as she watched me with that amber gaze. "Hadley are you sure you want to do this?"

I half ignored the question. Truthfully I was not sure. I had one thing on my mind though and that was keeping Tate alive. Keeping him safe. I couldn't step back, not now.

"So what do I need to do to get these to work?" I asked. Jillian kept watching me before answering. As though she was giving me a moment to consider.

"All you have to do is wrap the chain around one of his hands and whatever you want to hold him too. The magic will connect the chain making it nearly unbreakable. Since Tate's an alpha it will probably only hold for a day before he is able to break free," Jillian explained.

"Easy enough," I said. The words came out as more of a whisper.

"How do you feel?.... About the rest of it?" Jillian asked.

My hands gripped the chain tighter. "Ready as I'll ever be".

I slipped back into bed ever so carefully. I had laid the chain right on the side of my bed. Being ever so careful as I set it on the wooden floor. I curled back into Tate's arms. Sound asleep he gave me a small squeeze. As much as I wanted to drift into a deep slumber my body and brain were wired. I went over the plans again and again in my head.

I had laid there for hours. Tate woke up laying lazy strokes on my arm. I nuzzled in further to him. His back pressed against mine. I could feel the smile on his face as he kissed my neck. I loved the easy lazy mornings with Tate. I turned to face him. Before I had the chance to say anything he placed a long soft kiss on my lips.

"I love you," he said against my mouth.

"I love you too," I said between each kiss.

Tate's hands found my waist, he pulled me up so that I was straddled on top of him. His mouth never left mine. Our kissing grew more intense, more hungry. Tate's hands roamed me, always pulling me closer to him. I rolled us over to my side of the bed. Leaving teasing kisses along Tate's neck down to his chest. With one hand I grabbed his jaw, further intensifying the kiss.

"I'm sorry," I said against his lips. My other hand had fallen to the side of the bed. During his distracted state Tate hadn't even noticed until I had quickly wrapped the chain around his wrist, securing it to the bed frame.

"Hadley," Tate's voice broke. He seemed so hurt and confused. I kissed him again. The guilt panged through me.

"Tate, I am so sorry. I can't lose you though. I won't lose you. This has to be me. I love you so much," my words were rushed as I held back the tears.

"Hadley unchain me!" Tate's voice grew but his eyes were hurt. Pleading.

"I can't do that," I said slowly backing off the bed. Grabbing the packed bag I had put together.

"Don't do this Hadley. Please don't go".

My heart ached and I couldn't keep Tate's gaze. I knew if I lingered too long I would unchain him. My wolf was begging me to release our mate.

"I have to do this," I whispered.

"The moment you leave I'm just going to link the rest of the pack. You may as well do it now," Tate's voice was quiet. I hated how much I was hurting him.

"Jillian took care of that and she'll be standing guard outside the door. Tate I am so sorry... I... I love you. Please don't hate me". Without a final look I went out the door. Closing it on Tate. I shuddered as I heard the frustrated growl that shook the second floor. Jillian was waiting outside of the room.

"Keep him safe," I said to her. Jillian nodded. "West and Devin are waiting for you in the car," she said.

"Do they know?" I asked.

"If they don't they will soon. You need to get out of here quick," Jillian said, practically shoving me on my way.

I ran down the stairs. Making my way to the car. The driver seat was left empty. Tate was supposed to drive. As swiftly as I could I threw my bag at West who was sitting shotgun.

"Hadley what the hell is going on!" West demanded. I ignored him locking the doors and speeding off before either of them had a chance to do anything else.

"Hadley!" West's voice rose.

"Hadley what are you doing?" Devin asked.

"What does it look like we're doing!" I shouted. I begged the tears to stay back as I sped through the territory. West and Devin exchanged a worried glance.

"We're going to the ball and we are doing this my way," I said my voice calmed but stern. Devin and West were still silent.

West finally broke the silence. "Fucking hell Hadley".

I glared at him. West and Devin exchanged another glance before slowly nodding.

"Understood," They said. 

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