Chapter Thirty:

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Tate's POV

It took everything in me not to rip out Nolan's throat as he pulled Hadley in closer as they danced. West sensing my anger grabbed my jacket pulling me towards the bar.

"You shouldn't have to watch that," he said, ordering us some drinks.

"Keep me distracted," I sighed to West.

"Ok.. hmmm. Oh this is good. Have you noticed how Alpha Taylor keeps glaring at me and is looking at me the same way you're looking at Nolan?"

"West what did you do this time?" I asked, my voice already scolding him. West was notorious for causing trouble when he visited other packs.

"So I may or may not have shown his youngest daughter the joys of being with a beta," he said shrugging.

I smacked West across the arm. "The Alpha's daughter?! Are you really that reckless?!" I was upset but I couldn't help the small crack of a grin.

"Woah, woah, woah," West held his hands up "In my defense she came onto me, she was all let's align our packs, and strong wolf pups,".

"Anyways we fooled around and  Alpha Taylor found out, and basically banished me from his pack. Haven't you noticed everytime we deal with them I send Scott instead of myself?" His eyes were wide like a kid who got caught stealing a piece of candy and was just living in the thrill of it all. He truly had no shame.

I ran my hand over my face. "West." I said shaking my head.

West and I were laughing as we noticed Alpha Taylor sending daggers West's way. The smile instantly fell from West's face as he scanned the room.

"Where did they go?" He asked.

My eyes searched the room trying to find Hadley or Nolan. I instantly sent a mind link but the line was caught off. There was only silence.

"Somethings not right," I said to West, standing up from the bar.

The moment my feet hit the ground I knew something was off. The music began to drown out fading into a siren. The world was tilting. I put my hands on my head trying to center myself. Hadley. I had to get to Hadley.

An arm grabbed me and started dragging me to the opposite side of the room. My vision was so hazed I couldn't make out the face of who was holding onto me. West was being pulled next to me, I was only able to make him out from the blonde blur of hair.

I was thrown on my side. Everything in me fought against the slipping of my senses. Black spots filled my vision. I fought against the darkness that was pulling me in.

Hadley's POV

For a single moment I allowed myself to forget the events of last night. A moment when I was awake and had not yet opened my eyes. That moment of ignorance was short lived.

I was in a room that was not my own. My clothes had been changed and I was now wearing shorts and a simple tank top. I cringed at the thought of who had changed me. I sat up in bed quickly assessing my surroundings. The pounding in my head caused me to raise my hand. Dried blood was caked to my face but the wound that had caused it had fully healed.

My mind flashed back to the image of a rock being bashed against my head. I remembered the garden but how I had gotten here was completely gone. I made my way to the window. It was sealed shut. The view didn't reveal much. Surrounded by trees in the middle of the woods. There wasn't another house in sight. I tried the first of the two doors, which led to a simple bathroom with a shower. I tried the final door.

My adrenaline began to pump after I found that the door was open and led to a hallway. No one was in sight. As quietly as I could I squeezed through the small opening of the door and made my way to the room at the end of the hall.

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