Chapter Thirty Eight:

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Hadley's POV

I was so distracted by Tate. The feeling of finally being back in his embrace. My wolf was practically singing. We stayed in each other's arms for a moment longer. Each of us savouring the feel of one another.

"Holy shit Hadley. What did you do to them?" West was wandering around the room looking at each of the pack members who were unconscious and paralyzed on the floor.

"I may have sprinkled a very toxic herb into the champagne... They'll be fine. We have a few hours before they should wake up," I said, keeping my eyes down avoiding West's face.

"You're scary. Impressive but scary. Remind me not to get on your bad side," West teased. He could see the emotion on my face and as always tried to lighten the mood.

Devin had made her way over to Nolan. Kicking him in his ribs lightly to make sure he really was unconscious. "What do we do with this piece of work," She hissed.

Braxton had come up next to Devin grabbing the silver dagger I had dropped. He inspected it closely. A spark of familiarity crossing his face. My heart started racing.

"Were you going to kill him with this?" Braxton asked me carefully.

Everyone turned to look at me awaiting my answer. Sadness crossed over Tate's face as he grabbed my hand offering me comfort.

"I was considering it..." I said slowly staring at that silver. I didn't know if I could admit to them what I had been about to do. If I could even admit it to myself.

Something feral in me came unhinged when Nolan was on his knees before me. If they hadn't come in I probably would have slit his throat right there. I would have done it slowly savouring the spilling of his blood as it would pool on the floor before him. As though Tate could sense my thoughts he changed the subject quickly.

"Do you recognize that dagger?" Tate asked Braxton.

"Not the dagger itself, but i've seen these marks before. They're carved in a cave on our pack's land. It definitely is from Blood Bane but I have no idea how Nolan got it. He was still fully entranced by the markings of the dagger.

"Nolan didn't have it. Cassia did. She was a rogue I met here. She gave it to me," My eyes searched the room for Cassia's wine red hair. I didn't spot it in the crowd though. I would check before we left but if I was right Cassia had already escaped. Not wasting the opportunity. I doubted that she would wait to see whether or not I was successful in my plan. She owed me no loyalty.

"Interesting," Braxton mumbled.

"Ok guys, great glad you had your little chat but let's get back to the more pressing matter. What do we do with Nolan?" Devin asked, focusing our attention back.

"If we kill him it's an outright declaration of war. There's no telling how the pack will react. Nolan was nuts don't get me wrong but before him his members struggled," Tate said. I admired him so much. He almost never outright ordered what he wanted done like I had watched Nolan do. He sought the advice of his inner circle.

"Plus there's the matter of the witch," Jillian said quietly. Her eyes had a vacant glaze on them. So unlike the girl I last remembered who was always burning with fire and passion.

I walked up to her meeting her gaze. "What did she show you?" I asked quietly. I could feel the smoke coming off of Jillian. So similar to the one that had coated me. I could tell she had been touched by the same witch that had infiltrated me.

"Something I never wish to see again," Jillian's eyes met mine. Jillian was fearless so I knew whatever the witch must have shown her was made of true nightmares.

"We need to take Nolan at least." I said processing my thoughts as I talked. "If we just leave him there's no telling what he'll do next. We need to find out who this witch is and what deal she has with Nolan. Why would she be so willing to help him grow his pack? What's the benefit for her?"

"Then let's take him and get the hell out of here before he starts to get movement back," West said. We nodded in agreement and set to work. I searched through the house one more time looking for Cassia. West, Braxton, and Devin moved Nolan to a car found on the property, stuffing him in the backseat. Jillian drove as Braxton hopped in the seat next to her. West and Devin shifted. They would all probably arrive back at the Atlas Pack house at the same time.

When I was done searching the house I followed the pull of the bond till I found Tate. He was digging through Nolan's office. Searching for anything.

"Find anything?" I asked.

Tates eyebrows were furrowed together. His forehead creased as he ran a hand through his brown wavy hair. "Nothing. Nolan's too smart to leave things in his office. He probably keeps the important stuff hidden like I do".

"Do I get to see your hiding spots?" I asked sweetly.

"I think we can arrange to have those shown to you," Tate said huskily, pulling me into his arms again. "I was so worried about you. I probably drove the rest of the pack nuts this past week," Tate's fingers gently traced my face. "You look beautiful, you know. Like a true luna".

"I don't know if I'm cut out to make a good luna," my eyes dropped to his chest. I couldn't look at him as the words came out. Tate gently held onto my chin raising it up so I could meet his gaze. He placed a long lingering kiss on my lips.

"Hadley you just took down an entire pack completely on your own. You brought an alpha to his knees. You have so much more power than you realize"

"Tate I was going to kill him," I said so quietly my voice breaking.

"The fact that you didn't kill him only further proves to me how strong you are and how much control you have. Hadley you're a werewolf our emotions run so high. Especially rage... You haven't even been a werewolf for that long. Believe me it took me years to not let my wolf half run my emotions. Despite years of practicing control I still struggle. Almost anyone else would have killed him," Tate kissed me again. I savoured the comfort he brought me.

"I just don't know what kind of person that makes me".

"It makes you a survivor and a leader. You will be an amazing luna".

I smiled warmly at him. I had missed this so much. I loved how Tate's hard muscled body felt against mine. How his eyes admired me taking in my body beneath the dress. I bit my lower lip as I stared at his oh so kissable lips. Something dark churned in Tate's warm gaze.

We collided into one another. The kiss building became quicker as our hands roamed each other. We kissed as though we may not have the chance again.

Tate's arms wrapped around me as he lifted me up and set me on the desk. He moved his body forward between my legs as he deepened the kiss. His hands gently wrapped themselves in my hair and he lightly pulled. I couldn't help the moan that escaped my lips. That sound unleashed whatever control he had been holding onto as he pushed me down on the desk climbing on top of me.

Something fell to the ground shattering which snapped Tate and I out of the frenzied lust we had been in. As though we suddenly realized we were still at Nolan's pack house. The rest of the members potentially waking up at any moment.

"I see what you mean about the control," I teased Tate in a sultry voice.

He gave me a sexy smirk back before helping me stand back up from where I laid on Nolan's desk.

"Hadley I'm going to claim you tonight. No more waiting".

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