Chapter Fifty:

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Hadley's POV

I sighed sitting on the edge of my bed studying the carvings of the Blade. Something about it just felt so familiar.

"Tate I don't know if I'm up to go back to the party," I peeled my eyes from the silver.

Tate crossed his arms leaning against the door. His eyes raked over me as a small sinful smile made its way to his lips. His warm brown eyes had already started to darken as they met mine.

"Good. I am tired of sharing you anyways with the rest of the pack. Your mine," Tate said making his way over to me. He stood in front of me and I let my hands rest on his chest.

"Say it," He lightly growled as he began to place kisses on my neck. Paying extra attention to the spot where the claim had been made. When he got to that spot the electricity running through me became wild and rapid.

"I am yours," I whispered sweetly. I yelped as he lightly bit on the spot of the claim. His mouth made its way to my jaw as he lightly traced it with his mouth.

"I am yours Tate Lockwood. I am yours," I repeated. My mind was so distracted by his mouth it was hard to form words. In an effortless motion Tate guided my backwards onto the bed. Him still atop of me till my head was laying against the pillow. Tate peeled his shirt off revealing the chiseled muscles. I ran my hands over him appreciating every inch of my Alpha.

Tate kissed me slowly despite my efforts to speed things up. "Patient Hadley. I plan to ravish you all night," he said between kisses. His mouth worked its way down my neck again, to my collar bone. His teeth gently pulled down my dress, every inch receiving a kiss.

"Now how should I worship you first, my Luna?" Tate said with his seductive smile.

As the sun met my eyes I woke up less than well rested. I smiled as my eyes found the wavy brown head of hair nestled under the covers. Tate had fully kept his promise and had worshipped me all last night. My cheeks flushed at the memories. Being with Tate with the bond fully in place was still unlike anything I had ever experienced as a human in a mortal relationship.

Tate's arms wrapped around me pulling me back into his warm chest. Half asleep he grumbled something against me. I turned my body still wrapped in his arms and began to wake him up with sweet kisses.

"I could get used to this," Tate mumbled groggily. I loved how disheveled he looked in the morning away from the rest of the world. This version of him was just for me.

"We probably should get up. It's pretty late for you," I said.

Tate lightly growled at me in protest. Which released a chuckle from me.

"What time is it?" He asked, keeping his eyes closed.

"A little after 9," I said kissing him on his chest.

At that his eyes popped open long gone was the hazy sleepy look. Tate was notorious for being the first one up in the house by hours. As alpha the demand from him was extensive. I sat up in bed and watched as Tate ran throughout our room. Bouncing between the bathroom and the closet as he muttered how late he was and all the things he had to do under his breath. A smile crept on my face.

"You're enjoying this aren't you?" Tate asked after seeing my face, with a playful glare.

I widened my smile which warranted a small laugh from Tate. "I must have been pretty bad last night if you're jumping at the first opportunity to leave this morning... and so quickly," I joked raising my eyebrows.

Tate just let the hoodie drop from his hands to the floor as he came over and held my face between his hands. "Never".

"I was joking," I said to him as he went back over putting the hoodie over his head. His hand ran through his disheveled hair.

"I know," he smiled. "My wolf is freaking out at me from trying to leave you right now to go work," he laughed. I could see it though. The slight shifting in his eyes as he did try to fight the wills of his wolf. My wolf felt that same pull to just stay in bed all day.

I got out of our bed before making my way to Tate grabbing a fistful of his hoodie. "Maybe one of these days you'll give into that wolf of yours," I raised up on my toes to give him a final kiss before making my way to the shower. I popped my head out the door of the bathroom.

"You are welcome to join me Alpha," I said with that wicked smirk.

Tate grumbled but began to pull off his hoodie making his way towards me. "I'm already late," He smiled as he picked me up.

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