Nightmares (Natasha)

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"Y/N, we need to talk."

You turned around to face the redhead you'd had a relationship with for almost six months now. After so much time was spent trying to find a way to confess your feelings for her, she was the first to do it.

Everyone was so happy things worked out for you. They were even happier that Natasha finally had some happiness for herself.

"Yeah? What happened, is something wrong?" You asked.

"Yeah," she scoffed, "You."

You stopped as you watched her. What did she just say?

"What?" You croaked.

She shrugged, "You heard me, didn't you? Or, do I need to add it to the list of things wrong with you?"

"I...Natasha, I-"

"I-I-I... Cat got your tongue?"

You took in a shaky breath, willing your tears to go away as you told her, "What are you trying to say?"

Natasha shrugged, "Isn't it obvious? I'm breaking up with you."

And then there were fresh tears. "Why?"

She started counting off with her fingers, "Well, let's see. You sleep too much, you're too sensitive, you talk too much. You let your dreams effect you like this."

"What?" You asked.

Natasha scoffed, "You didn't know you were dreaming? Well, I guess I better add the fact that you aren't self aware of yourself."

You stuttered, "How do I wake up?"

"You can't." She told you, "This is a dream you won't ever wake up from."

You stuttered, "No. No, there has to be away."

You started going through everything you knew about dreams, which was very little. She continued talking, her words like poison dripping in your ears.

You covered your ears to think, but her words were only louder in your ear. "Look at you. Can't control yourself enough to wake up."

"Fear!" You exclaimed. "Fear can wake a person from a nightmare!"

She laughed, "Clearly, it doesn't work since you're still asleep."

You shook your head, looking her in the eyes as you said, "I'm not scared. It just hurts like hell, it's like I'm burning."

She smirked maliciously and continued speaking. You looked around and remembered one of Natasha's weapons in the kitchen.

You rushed over and picked it up. "What are you doing?" She asked.

You braced yourself as you said, "There's no fear like death." You squeezed your eyes shut and pulled the trigger.

There was the loud bang! of the gun.

But you weren't awake.

You opened your eyes and looked around. "It didn't work?" You questioned.

Then there was a cough.

So you looked in front of you.

And there was blood.

"Tasha!" You yelled, running over to Natasha. She fell and you got there to helped her before she hit the ground. "Natasha, no, no, no!" You cried.

She coughed again, "How could you..."

"Tasha!" You yelled, bolting up.

The bed shifted beside you and a set of hands came down on your arms. "What's wrong? What happened? Are you okay?"

Natasha watched you with concern, trying to get you to look her in the eyes. You looked at her then, throwing your arms around her as you brought her close to you.

You cried as you held her close, not wanting to let her go. She rubbed your back as she held you, "Are you okay?"

You nodded, "Yeah. I just...had a nightmare."

"Well, it's not real. It's okay. You're safe. I got you." She assured you. You sighed and told her, "I...I'm okay...right?"

"What do you mean?" She asked.

You let go of her and she pulled you into her chest while you laid down. "I''re happy with me?"

She kissed your forehead, "Of course. You're perfect for me. I couldn't wish for anyone else."

You smiled and let out a breath. "Okay."

"I love you." She said.

You leaned in, kissing her, "I love you, too."

Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now