|Chapter One|

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Taemin lay back in his seat, already exhausted. He had been on stage practically all night, but knew he had to get on for one last performance with the rest of his group SHINee. He let the stylist play with his sweat slicked hair for a few moments before brushing him off politely. No amount of hair gel was going to save his limp style.

He went to Minho and sat on the man's lap, "Hyung, I'm tired," he complained softly.

Minho chuckled softly and bounced one of his knees, "Only one more song left and we're done. Once Onew is done with the stage that is."

"Even though he's so awkward, the crowd loves him," Taemin agreed softly. He was able to see the stage from where he was sitting and could see Onew wooing everybody watching him. He had this level of innocence that didn't fade with his age.

They both watched him for a few minutes until Minho nudged him up, "Come on, my legs are going to sleep."

Taemin stood and looked down at him, "We match!" They were both wearing purple jackets and black shirts underneath. He had been wearing the same outfit for the last few sets, but they had finally changed him into something that matched his teammates. While he loved to stand out with his crazy dance moves and changing hairstyles, he also longed for the day when he'd truly fit into his team as an equal, where he wouldn't stand out as much and be pushed to the front by his company. He could tell that Jonghyun and Key, no matter how much they loved him, really wanted the spotlight on them for once. Taemin would willingly give it, of course, but SM Entertainment made the rules unfortunately.

Minho grinned and put his hands on Taemin's hips, making them shimmy, "We look identical! Like brothers!"

Taemin visibly tensed at the words but said nothing, just kept smiling and hoped Minho wouldn't notice the difference in his posture, "It's almost time."

He and Minho got up and went to wait side of stage with Key and Jonghyun. Key immediately put one arm around Taemin, "Ready to take Onew's stage?" he chuckled.

Taemin grinned and nodded, his eyes going back to Onew who was chatting to a few of the fans and getting them all to cheer. The stage manager nudged the rest of them on stage and the screaming from the fans seemed to double. Taemin put his arms up, waving to everyone happily.

"This is our last song," Jonghyun announced looking sad. "You've been an amazing audience, but now it's time to say good bye with one of our favourites."

The chords for Lucifer began playing as they got into position and began dancing. Sometimes they ended their concerts with a slow song, other times with one of the most difficult. Tonight it was Lucifer and Taemin just wanted to go to bed straight after. It was then he noticed who was standing offstage.


His eyes widened in shock and he nearly stumbled his steps before picking the beat up again. Jonghyun gave him a worried look, knowing that Taemin rarely messed up his dances. But Taemin's eyes were latched onto Kai.

His body moved via muscle memory, making sure his steps were correct and his mouth moved as he sang his lyrics, but the crowd no longer held his interest.


With his beautifully soft features and wide eyes that seemed to see through everyone and everything finally had rested his eyes on Taemin, and it was making him nervous. He couldn't help the thrill of excitement and arousal that ran through his body. He was glad his pants were so tight and helped keep everything down or else he would have been in big trouble with his fans. His fans!

His eyes snapped back toward the crowd and their cries began to ring in his ears again. They didn't think anything was amiss, but his teammates did. Key's eyes slid between the two men, interest in his eyes, but Taemin knew the man wouldn't say anything. He trusted Key with his life.

The song finally ended and the five of them took their bows on the stage while mucking around with one another and the fans. Taemin himself ended up on Minho's back and he cuddled up to the larger body, giving Minho bunny ears while he was at it.

It was always sad saying good bye to a crowd as good as this, but it had to be done. They went backstage and Taemin tried glancing subtly around. He knew EXO would be lurking because they had done a few numbers at their concert to open up, but their change rooms were much further away.

Minho carried him down the hallway, "Home!" He bellowed happily. Taemin's head snapped left and right as he tried to look through every doorway to see where the other man was.


He saw the limousines waiting for them and witnessed Kai following Suho into the car. Taemin wanted to call out and get Kai's attention, but knew the other man wouldn't respond too kindly.

Instead he sat on Minho's back and sighed. Looking at Kai was like looking at an angel, all purity and perfection. Taemin felt like he was the opposite of the man; all filthy and tainted. His thoughts didn't match that of a normal man's. He just wanted to fall in love with someone who would love him back. Male or female, he had no preference. But Kai. To feel attracted to such a man showed how twisted he was inside, especially when the man didn't want him back.

My Kai, he thought miserably, my brother.

I hope you're enjoying it so far!! ~CY Hawkins

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