Intro to LAPD

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Riley furrowed her brows, she knew this was the LA police department but, where was she supposed to go?

As if noticing her stress, a giddy black haired female tapped her on the shoulder, "You lost?"

Riley smiled nervously, "Yes ma'am, I'm looking for the locker room."

"Ah! Yes, they are right over there! Usually females and males have set times since we share but there shouldn't be anyone in there." The girl said, pointing to two doors on the left.

Riley grinned, "Thank you."

Riley walked into the locker room, stumbling upon the Lieutenant bandaging up his gunshot wound.

She blinked, "Sorry, should've knocked."

"Yeah, you should've. Rookie." He said rather rudely, slipping on his jacket.

Riley narrowed her eyes, venom lacing in her voice, "My bad, lieutenant."

She watched as he wide eyed at her, surprised she had the guts to say something like that. She smirked deviously at him before giving him a small salute.

She walked out of the room, her eyes coming to a close as she breathed to try and relax herself. She kept her steady pace as she walked into a tall broad male.

She rubbed her forehead, "Dammit. Hey-"

"Sorry, ooh. Wait a minute. I haven't seen you around before. What's your name miss?" The man asked.

He seemed to stare into her eyes a bit longer than she was comfortable with. She looked away awkwardly, stepping back a bit to put some space between the two.

"Riley, Riley Grey. I'm, um, you're new partner." She said, twirling her bleached hair with her finger.

The male looked away a bit shocked, "I'm Lucifer, Lucifer Morningstar."

Riley smiled brightly at him, "Nice to meet you Mr.Morningstar."

Said male nodded slowly, still eyeing her closely. He took in her appearance. Her white hair flowing down to her shoulders, how the outfit she wore fit her curves perfectly, the way she handled herself, just everything about her seemed to interest Lucifer in every single way.

He followed closely after her as she walked to the police car outside the station. She hopped in the front seat and waited patiently for Lucifer to join her.

Lucifer hesitantly sat beside her, watching her closely with narrowed eyes. He wasn't being mean, just trying to figure her out. How did she make him feel this way? Why didn't his power work on her? So many questions, he'd have to talk to Linda after this.

Riley pulled out of the parking lot and toward the crime scene, Riley saw the curious side glances she got from Lucifer and huffed in amusement.

"Like the view?" She said with a small smile.

Lucifer smirked, "Well, I can see you are fair more interesting then the Detective used to be."

Riley raised a brow, "Hmm, I heard she left for good. Very sorry 'bout that."

"Oh no, don't apologize. I mean, her leaving brought you here. Now I'm far more interested to see what dad has up his sleeve this time." Lucifer explained.

Riley glanced at him with a questionable look, "Dad?"

"Yeah! Dear ol dad always has something in store for me." Lucifer said, leaning back in the seat.

Riley nodded slowly before pulling up to the crime scene. It was on a roof.

"Great, time to take an elevator." She said with a slight shiver.

Lucifer side eyed her, "Are you afraid of elevators?"

Riley began walking to the front door, "Take a bullet over them any day."

Lucifer chuckled deeply before following after her with a curious but amused expression found on his handsome features.

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