Chapter 1

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"There's the weird girl!" Someone chants as Janie walks down the school.

It's the first day back to school after Christmas break and the bullying has always begun, and it's only the end of the day.

"She's the loner, Jimmy," one of the snobby cheerleaders says. "She's a weirdo, Halloween, loner baby. She's not even worthy of breathing the same air as us."

Janie easily ignores the bullies like she has to do on a daily basis and she goes outside to her 2004 Dodge Viper SRT Coupe.

Janie gets in and she starts the car right up, the heat hitting her in the face but coldly

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Janie gets in and she starts the car right up, the heat hitting her in the face but coldly. It takes the heat a minute to heat up and turn warm. Janie then proceeds to drive to her home in a mansion in the upper, expensive part of Houston, Texas.

Gennie is a CEO of a major business in Dallas. Her business has buildings in New York (Manhattan and NYC), Massachusetts (Boston), Tennessee (Nashville), and all over the country and there's even one in Bejing and Hong Kong in China and one in Tokyo, Japan. Gennie brags about her money. She even got Janie her two-seater, 2004 Dodge Viper SRT Coupe.

Janie admits that she loves the car. It's in her name and her mother said no matter what happens, it's here's. Besides, it was Janie's allowance money that bought it. It was Janie that bought it. She bought it on October 31 of 2004, on her seventeenth birthday. So, even if Gennie wanted to say something, she couldn't because Janie bought the car and the title and everything else is in Janie's name.

Janie pulls up to her rich, single mom's massive mansion and she parks in front of the place.

Janie sees the gardeners working on the very green grass in the yard and some working on the few trees

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Janie sees the gardeners working on the very green grass in the yard and some working on the few trees. Janie sighs as she turns the car off and steps out into the cold air.

"Buenas tardes, Srta. King," Jore, one of the gardeners, greets.

"Buenas Tardes," Janie greets in return before she enters the mansion with great hesitation.

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