Chapter 5

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Janie gets dressed for school a couple of days later, on Wednesday

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Janie gets dressed for school a couple of days later, on Wednesday. She's wearing some black skinny jeans with rips from the knees up, a cute floral blouse that coated a good shiny penny, some gorgeous white pumps, a black jacket that she snuck away from Texas, and a cute salmon colored handbag.

Janie straightens her blonde hair before putting on a go,den watch she was given from her grandpa Cook before he passed away when she was fifteen. Janie looks at herself in her door mirror and she goes downstairs. She grabs the granola bar from Tabitha.

"You have any more visions?" Tabby asks.

"Not since that day in Houston," Janie replies. "I hate getting them because the headaches before and after suck."

"I'm sure," Tabby coos. "Have a good first day."

Janie kisses Tabby's cheek and she heads out. She disables the car alarm before getting in and starting her baby up. The purr of her Dodge Viper puts a smile on her face before she pulls away from the house and goes to the Forks High School, going the same way Tabby had went the day before.

Janie spots Jessica and she pulls up beside her before getting out.

"Holy crap!" A guy with spiky bloomed hair gasps. "Nice car!"

"Thank you," Janie replies and she enables the alarm. "I'm Janie King."

"Hey, Janie," Jessica greets. "This is Mike Jewton. And these two are Angela Weber and Eric Yorkie."

"Hey," Eric greets energetically.

"Hi," Angela greets shyly.

"Hey," Janie greets.

Meanwhile, across the lot, Emmett's eyes are locked souls on Janie, his eyes are widened and bright. Alice takes notice and she smiles.

"She's your mate," Alice claims. "She's so pretty!"

"Yes, she is," Rosalie Hale comments, surprising her mate, Tobias Cullen. "Look at her shoes."

Alice looks at Emmett, who watches as Janie walks inside with Jessica, Eric, Angela, and Mike. Emmett rips his eyes away from her, grabs his books, and goes inside the school another way completely.

Janie studies a group of people at a table at lunch. They stand out from the other people. They're all pale like a porcelain doll, their eyes are a bright golden cooler. All except one, anyway. They have flawless skin. Though the skin around their eyes are slightly purplish.

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