Chapter 23

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             (No rings)

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             (No rings)

        Janie picks up Nico, who will be three months old tomorrow. Janie is, though, officially eighteen today. She's happy, even though she didn't think she would be. She has been doing outstanding without Emmett and the others.

"When are you leaving for Texas?" Dennis asks his eighteen-year-old.

"In a sec," Janie replies. "I want to be there with mom when she goes to the hospital tomorrow."

Janie makes funny faces at Nico, who laughs cutely, and she lays him down. She gives her dad a big hug.

"Happy birthday, kiddo," he whispers. "Be back home by the fifteenth. Full moon."

Janie nods. Knowing that's the night she will turn for the very first time. Janie gives Tabitha a hug then and she grabs her suitcase and she goes out to the taxi she called about an hour ago and the puts the suitcases into the trunk before he drives her to the airport in Port Angeles.

         A very pregnant Gennie is waiting in the front foyer when Janie returns to the house with Aiden. Janie gives her mom a hug before she pulls back.

"You said you wanted to talk to me when I for here," Janie says as Julio takes her leather jacket.

"Join us in the living room, my love," Gennie coos.

Janie nods and she follows her mother and Aiden into the living room. Janie sits on the love seat.

"You're eighteen now," Gennie says. "Aiden and I realized a month or so ago that we are not ready for a baby."

"Janie, would want to take adopt Norma?" Aiden asks.

"Norma?" Janie tears up. "Is that her name?"

"Norma James," Aiden replies. "If you accept, it will be Norma James King."

"I should call my dad," Janie says. "We have Nico, who is three months tomorrow."

"Go on up to your room, and call Dennis," Gennie coos. "We need to know by tomorrow."

Janie nods and she stands up, she goes to leave.

"Oh, and Janie," Gennie says; Janie stops and looks at her mom. "Happy eighteenth birthday, love bug."

"Thanks, mom."

Gennie almost cries at that. Janie has been calling her 'mother' ever since she turned fourteen. That's the first time she's called her mom in four years.

"Happy birthday, Janie," Aiden says and he gives the girl a hug.

Janie hugs Aiden back. "Thank you, Aiden."

Janie heads upstairs and to her old room. She sees her suitcase at the foot of her bed. She sits down and she pulls out her cellphone before calling Dennis.

"Hey," Dennis greets.

"I might come home with an extra addition," Janie says.

"What do you mean?" Dennis asks.

"Mom and Aiden asked me to adopt Norma....the baby," Janie says.

"You wanna do it?" Dennis asks.

"I do," Janie says. "I could get a place easy."

"Until then, you and Norma will stay here," Dennis says. "Tell your mom yes."

Janie thanks her dad and she goes downstairs. She finds her mom and Aiden snuggling. Aiden has his hands on Gennie's stomach. Gennie motions Janie over and Janie feels Norma move a little.

"Yes, I'll adopt her," Janie says.

Gennie places a hand on Janie's face. "I miss you."

"I'm coming back for thanksgiving, mom," Janie says.

"Good," Gennie replies. "Bring Norma."

Janie smiles at her mom and step-dad. "I'm gonna go out to the gardens, and take a walk. Julio, where's my coat?"

"I'll get it for you, Ms. King," Julio replies politely and he scurries off.

"Ah, I miss him," Janie muses.

"I swear he misses you, too, though he won't admit it," Gennie replies. "He practically raised you."

"I know," Janie replies ans Julio comes back with a fur coat she left when she moved to Forks. "Thank you, Julio."

"You're welcome, Ms. King," Julio replies and a slight smile.

Janie puts on the fur coat and she leaves through the back doors. She looks at the gardens and she walks out there to them and she smiles at all of the gardeners as she walks through.

Janie stays out in the gardens until dinner time nears. Janie gets herself cleaned up before she joins Gennie and Aiden in the dining room for dinner and birthday cake Sierra made and everyone - her mom, Julio, Aiden, and the rest of the staff - sang happy birthday to Janie.

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