Chapter 14

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Janie goes to the Cullen house a couple of days later

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Janie goes to the Cullen house a couple of days later. She hadn't texted Emmett because she's been wrapping her head around the fact her biological mom is pregnant and getting married, and she's invited to the wedding.

Emmett let's Janie in when she rings the doorbell. "Hey. Haven't heard from you in a day or two."

"Sorry," Janie replies sheepishly.

"None sense," Emmett replies as he takes her coat. "What's going on through that pretty head of yours?"

"How would you like to be my plus one to a wedding in Texas?" Janie asks. "My now pregnant birth mom is getting married to her business partner."

"I would be honored," Emmett replies and he leans Janie upstairs, where Rosalie is cleaning up glass. "Rosalie kind of had a fit because of Bella."

Janie looks at Rosalie with a raised eyebrow. "Darn. And I chose today not to eat. Rosalie ruined the food."

Rosalie's face falls. "I'm sorry, Janie."

"I'm totally kidding. My dad made me eat before I left," Janie replies. "That salad would have been good though."

"Janie, this is Esme," Emmett states. "The mother figure I told you about."

Janie looks at the vampire and she smiles. Esme is a beautiful woman. She has soft looking facial features on her oval face, caramel brown hair, the same golden eyes as the other, she gives off a strong maternal vibe.

"Hello, Esme," Janie greets. "I'm Janie King."

Esme greets Janie with a hug, making Emmett facepalm as he goes to walk onto the balcony. "It's nice to finally meet you, Janie King." Esme pulls away. "You are beautiful. Emmett was right."

Janie blushes. "Thank you."

"You look exhausted," Esme coos.

"I haven't slept much since I found out," Janie says. "Maybe four hours in almost a week."

Esme crosses her arms. "Emmett!"

Emmett rushes into the room. "Yes?"

"Go get a bed set up in your room or the guest room, and make sure this girl sleeps for at least eight hours," Esme demands. "I'll call your father."

Janie looks at the floor. She's not used to a caring maternal figure. Tabitha does all she can but she has to worry about her pregnancy, her blood child. Esme notices as Emmett leaves.

"Hey, I'm sorry. But you need to sleep, sweetie," Esme coos as she touches Janie's arm.

"I'm... not used to a caring maternal figure type," Janie replies quietly, suddenly feeling so small.

Esme frowns and she embraces Janie, unable to help herself. Jasper looks away when he feels that Janie feels small and Ali s skips over and she puts a hand on Janie's shoulder blade. Edward flies out his window and to a tree with Bella on his back and Janie runs to the balcony in awe, getting distracted.

"Wow!" Janie gasps as Emmett joins her. "I wanna do that!"

"Maybe after you get some sleep," Emmett muses. "Come on."

Emmett leads Janie up to his room, where he set up a king sized bed in the center of the room. Janie sees some clothes on the bed.

"The shirt's mine and the shorts are Rosalie's," Emmett says. "Change, lay down, sleep. I already called your dad. He said you needed sleep, especially after the news from your mom."

Janie nods.

"I'll be downstairs," Emmett says and he caresses Janie's cheek before he leaves her alone, making sure to close the door with him.

Janie changes into the red satin sleeping shorts from Rosalie and the Batman shirt from Emmett that fits her like a dress.

"God," Janie murmurs. "Either he's huge or I'm smaller than I thought."

Janie shrugs and she hears Emmett's very loud laugh. She sighs, she had forgotten all about the super hearing vampires right downstairs. Janie climbs into the bed Emmett set up for her and she lays down. She grabs her phone from the night stand and texts him.

To: Emmy ;)
From: Janie
Message: We are friends, right?

To: Janie
From: Emmy ;)
Message : Yes, we are, now go 2 bed!

Janie rolls her eyes and she puts the phone down. She curls up underneath the blanket and she drifts off to sleep because she was truly exhausted.

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