Chapter 32

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         Janie is rather annoyed with Bella right now. At around dawn, toward the end of April, she called everyone there. She doesn't get why she called her, she knows what Bella's wanting.

Norma is laying on a blanket on the floor, lighting her head up with ease. Emmett is the one sitting down there with her while Janie stands wirh Rosalie to keep her calm. Esme and Carlisle are standing together, Alice and Jasper are sitting together, Tobias is standing with Edward behind Bella.

"You all know what Edward wants," Bella says. "And you know what I want. But I won't force myself on you... I think the only fair way to handle this is thy vote..."

"You can't be serious..."

"This is my meeting, Edward," Bella states firmly, making Janie raise an eyebrow at the human. "However this turns out, I'm not letting the Volturi hurt you. I'll go back to Italy alone..."

"The hell you will," Emmett comments. "I'm not missing another fight."

"That's not up for a vote, Emmett," Bella says. "I don't want you involved."

"We've always been involved, honey, and we're not going to stop..."

"No, please," Bella cuts Esme off. "I want you to seriously think about this. If I join you, you'll be stuck with he for a long time - - forever. It's a huge decision. And I want - I need your honest here." She looks around and sees everyone but Janie nod, which is fine because even though Janie's not human, she's not a coven member. "Then let's take a vote. Alice?"

Alice jumps up and she gives Bella a hug. "I already consider you my sister. Of course, yes!"

Bella smiles at Alice as she joins Norma in the floor.

Jasper rises. "I vote yes... it'll be nice to not want to kill you all the time."

"Nice on, Jas," Janie muses.

"Um... thanks?" Bella raises an eyebrow. "Rosalie?"

Rosalie looks at Edward, torn. "Edward, I'm sorrry for what I did. I really am. And I know you're not ready to forgive me..." she turns toward Bella. "But this isn't the life I'd have chosen for myself. I wish there'd been someone to vote no for me..." she glances at Carlisle at this and back toward Bella. "So... no."

Emmett gets up from the floor and he bounds over, he gives Bella a bear hug, making Janie chuckle lightly. "I vote hell yes," he says as he pulls away and joins Janie om the couch. "We can pick a fight with the Volturi some other way."

Esme walks over and she embraces Bella for a moment before pulling away. "I already think of you as part of the family. Yes."

"Thank you, Esme," Bella replies.

Carlisle moved forward, but instead of looking to Bella, he looks toward Edward. "Edward..."

"You can't go along with this, Carlisle," Edward says, "you know what it means."

"You've chosen not to live without her, which leaves me no choice. I won't lose my son," Carlisle says and he turns to Bella. "But Alice has never turned anyone. It'd be safer if I did it..."

The door slams suddenly and Norma whimpers. Esme swoops in and picks the baby up. Janie looks around and sees that Edward is gone. She sighs as Bella blanches.

"What did you expect, Bella?" Janie asks her.

"What would your answer be?" Bella asks.

"It would be no," Janie says. "I'd become one now just so I wouldn't have to suffer once a month on a full moon. But if I wasn't like this? I'd grow old and die. I'll still grow old and die, I'll phase until I hit a certain age."

"What age?" Carlisle asks curiously.

"My dad left before telling me," Janie claims. "I'm thinkiming that maybe I could talk with the Volturi about it. Learn more about my species."

"I don't know if that's a good idea, Janie," Carlisle says as he sits beside her. "They won't take to fondly of us being close with a child of the moon."

"They would never know," Janie says. "I'm friends with a mind reader. I know how to block out certain thoughts."

Carlisle nods. "I'll see what I can find, and if I can't find much... you can go to Italy. But no sooner, okay?"

"Okay," Janie replies. "I should get me and Norma home."

Esme smiles as she passes the baby over. "Come back soon."

"Emmett or Rose will drag me," Janie replies. "I'll see you."

Janie leaves the house with Norma and she straps the baby into her car seat before she drives across the street and down her long drive until she gets gone. She carried her sweet little girl into the house and she smiles.

The adoption was final yesterday. Norma is officially Janie's daughter now.

Janie lays Norma beside her in her large bed. "Goodnight, my love."

Janie watches as Norma sleeps and she finds herself smiling and then she sees Emmett enter her bedroom. The vampire moves and lays on the other side of Norma and he holds Janie's hand and the both of then lock eyes. Janie immediately feels safe and she smiles warmly at Emmett, he returns the gesture as his thumb caressed Janie's.

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