Chapter 38

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            Janie buys some clothes and changes at an Italian motel before she catches the cab from Florence to Volterra

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Janie buys some clothes and changes at an Italian motel before she catches the cab from Florence to Volterra. Janie knows that this is a stupid idea. According to Carlisle, Caius Volturi had ordered for her kind to be slaughtered. So she knows she has to be wary of him because he despises the children of the moon.

Janie is wearing her hair up so that the top part of her moon phase tatto is showing. She's wearing a white tank top blouse, some black skinny jeans, and some heels. It's the same outfit she wore when Sam asked her to join the pack. And now it's what she's wearing to meet the Volturi kings while fear swarms through her veins.

Janie walks through the castle's courtyard after the taxi drops her off and she pays the driver. Using her supernatural strength, she shoves the steal doors open and she is yanked in and slammed against a wall.

"Who are you?" The man with crimson eyes demands.

The vampire is tall and his face is round. His eyes are dark crimson and his brown hair is to his ears, and messy.

"I need to see the kings," Janie claims confidently, despite her fear.

"And why should I let you?" The vampire guard, Felix, asks.

"Because they would want to see me," Janie says. "I am a child of the moon."

Janie shoved Felix off of her and she dusts herself off as Felix picks himself up. When the child of the moon shoved him off, he landed on a wall and went down. Demitri comes down the hall.

"The kings will see you now," Demitri announces. "Follow me."

Janie and Demitri meet eyes before Demitri leads her down the hall. Felix spscoffs in disbelief.

"Caius will kill her," he whispers before he rushes after Janie and Demitri.

Demitri shoves open the throne room doors and he leads Janie in. "Master Aro, I bring to you... a child of the moon."

Caius stands suddenly with dangerous eyes. Aro quickly stands hand he holds a hand up toward Caius when he sees the terror in Janie's eyes. Caius glares at his vampire brother and he sits in his throws. His icy cold glare returns to Janie.

Aro walks down the three steps and he approaches Janie. "A child of the moon, as I exist. I thought we rid of your species."

"There is only two of us left," Janie admits. "I am Janie King."

Aro holds out his hand. "May I?"

Janie nods and she slips her hand into Aro's. Janie's appearance has Marcus sitting up straight to. Considering Caius' hatred of the species, he is amazed that Janie still came. He can even respect it.

"You need our help with the full moon curse," Aro says. "I don't k is if I can help that. Children of the moon have always turned on a full moon. But I can help you gain answers of your kind. But tonight, there is a full moon here."

Janie's eyes widen. "What!? I thought I had another month."

"Ms. King, you're in Italy," Aro reminds her. "I'll bring you to our cellar where you can turn and come to in the daylight, and then I will help you find your answers."

Janie nods quickly as she feels her bones begin to ache already. Aro sends Caius a sharp, Caius looks at his hands, still holding the same glare, with a growl. Aro looks at Felix.

"Felix, bring her to a cell downstairs, one she cannot escape from once she's turned," Aro instructs. "I'm going to the archives to see if we still have literature on the children of the moon."

Felix looks hesitant but he nods. Janie smiles sweetly at him, which unnerves the vampire, and he storms out.

"Was it something I said?" She mocks as she follows him out of the thrown room.

Janie screams as she feels such an intense pain, and she knows that the full moon has risen in the Italian sky. Caius watches her with cold and curious eyes while Marcus helps Aro with his search.

Janie claws at the stones and dirt on the ground. Caius and the others didn't find the patience's to have people add flooring to the cellar. This is for prisoners and how a child of the moon. Caius flinches as she screams again and it echoes. Janie begins moaning and whimpering in pain as her bones break and skin rips.

The sounds of breaking bones and ripping skin bring Caius' attention back to a now solid white wolf with bright blue eyes. Caius looks at her with anger and curiosity. He hasn't been around a child of the moon since one killed his family before he was turned. He was angry when turned, he ordered a slaughtering of their kind. All but, apparently, the King family line.

"It is quiet," Aro sings as he comes downstairs and he looks in on Janie. "For a moment, I feared you killed her, brother."

"No," Caius replies. "I know better."

"Good," Aro replies. "Her kind, her family, have abilities."

Caius looks at Aro, his eyebrows creasing in curiously. "What do you mean?"

"Mind control, emotion manipulation and like Ms. King in there, clairvoyance," Aro explains as he glances at the solid white wolf, who is pacing, itching to run outside. "It's a shame I can't lift the full moon curse."

Caius looks at Janie and he can't help but feel slightly drawn to her. He hates her kind, loathes her kind. But she was brave enough to come to the castle when surely, she's had some warning somewhere that he hated her kind. It's earned Caius's respect, despite the burning hate of children of the moon.

Caius thinks back to the year 1400, and he thinks of the child of the moon he knew then. Yennifer. He never can remember last name.

"You can," Caius says. "Do you remember Yennifer?"

"The child of the moon female you fell for after you sent order to kill her kind," Aro says. "I remember her clear to this day. Why? What does Yennifer have to do with Ms. King?"

"We lifted her and her family's full moon curse," Caius says. "I believe we still have that book somewhere in this place."

"Or in Greece," Aro says. "I'll speak with Marcus, see if he knows. Make sure Janie doesn't escape."

Caius smirks. "She won't."

"And don't kill her," Aro adds before he leaves Caius alone with Janie.

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