Chapter 6

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"Emmett, it's been a couple of weeks," Alice says. "I want to talk with Janie."


Alice sighs. "Whatever," she mumbles before she walks out to her car with Jasper.

"You'd think she would understand this is safest," Rosalie says.

"Yeah," Emmett replies. "I feel bad. Keep ignoring Janie whenever she says hi."

"You do whatever you want," Rosalie says as Tobias comes downstairs. "Say hi back. Start a friendship or relationship. Get to know your mate. But whatever you decide, if you do decide one of those, start with hi and go from there."

Tobias smiles at Emmett before they all leave.

Janie parks her Dodge Viper beside Jessica's Nissan on the seventeenth of the month

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Janie parks her Dodge Viper beside Jessica's Nissan on the seventeenth of the month. Jessica smiles at Janie and they two start discussing their upcoming shopping trip once Janie locks up her car by enabling the alarm.

The group of friends are cut off by a loud truck pulling onto the lot. Janie turns and she sees the girl from her vision get out. She sighs softly and she looks at Jess, who nods. Jessica walls over to the girl who is gawking at the Viper.

"You must be new," Janie says. "I am, too. Sort of. I started here two weeks ago. I'm Janie King."

"Bella Swan," Bella claims and she shakes Janie's hand.

"Have a good first day," Janie says and she returns to Jessica. "I have to get to history, ladies."

"Heeeeelllo!" Mike exclaims as she walks away. "Not a lady!"

Janie smiles to herself and she walks up the stone steps. She heads inside and goes straight to her locker and gets her things and gets to Mr. Jefferson's US History class in building six. Janie sits in her seat in the back, that's usually beside Jasper Hale.

Jasper comes in a little bit later and he sits in his seat.

"Hi," Janie greets him casually.

"Hello," Jasper greets in return.

Janie smiles at him happily and she turns to the front. She didn't expect him to actually respond. The only people who talk to her is Jessica, Angela, Eric, Mike, and one of Janie's new friends, Tyler Crowley. Jasper mentally smiles at the happy feeling radiating off of Janie and he, too, turns to the front.

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