Chapter 36

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               Edward waits outside of Bella's home while Janie and Jacob sniff around inside. Edward had smelt and felt that someone had been in Bella's bedroom. Janie has gotten a wolf's sniffer even as a human. She's much like the pack. Higher body best temp, but hers is 99.9 degrees, and the Quiluete are 108.

There will be another protection detail on Bella, much to Rosalie's demise, but first, Edward needed a wolf's nose.

Jacob and Janie leave the house after they smell the repulsing human feeding vamoire and they walk over to where Edward and Bella are waiting.

"Whoever it was, he left his stink behind," Jacob claims.

Janie shudders and she nods. "It'll be hard to miss when we come across it again. We'll handle it from where."

"We don't need you goes to handle anything," Edward says. "Or anyone."

Jacob steps forward and he pushes Janie pack. "I could care less what you need."

"Alright, we're done here," Edward claims.

"No, you're done here."

"Jacob!" Janie scolds.

"I'm tired of this," Bella says, equally scolding. "From now on, I'm Switzerland, okay?"

Janie sees bella failing to oush them away. Janie grabs Jacob's ear roughly and she yanks him back. Bella thanks her.

"I don't expect you guys to Chuck a football around together," Bella says. "Fine. But we have a lot of problems. And this one is a temporary solution. Are you willing to at least try?"

When Edward nods, Janie looks at Jacob with a raised eyebrow. Jacob glares at her before nodding b

"Alright, so you need to coordinate," Bella says. "You know, schedules and stuff." When the boys say nothing, she looks at Janie. "Would the pack prefer days or nights?"

"Nights," Janie replies. "Norma will either be with Emily or Leah or Rosalie."

Bella smiles at Janie and she turns to Edward. "Will days work for your family?" She asks and he nods. "Good. See? Was that so hard?"

"Oh, Bella," Janie muses. "You have to understand men. They're stubborn as hell. They'll fight again before it's over."

Bella sighs. "I know."

           Janie sits in her bed doing homework that Esme and the school assigned while Norma sleeps beside her. Emmett walks in and he smiles at her. He walks over and sits once other side of Norma and he watches as his mate works on her homework, her eyebrows furrowed while she works on something from the history homework.

"Jasper!" Janie yells, Emmett smiles before he leaves the room.

"Yes?" Jasper asks as he flashes in.

"You're a history freak, right?" Janie asks as she looks at him.

"I suppose I am," Jasper replies in amusement of Janie's word choice. "Why?"

"I need help," Janie says. "It's questions about the 1800s, or I would have asked Emmett."

Jasper nods and he sits beside her and he takes the worksheet and he begins to help the girl who's become like family to him.

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