Chapter 30

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Two months have passed. It's been a long two months. Jessica and Embry are a couple. They talked and got to know each other for about a month and then Jessica couldn't resist any longer. She asked him out and Embry didn't even hesitate before saying yes.

Bella spend a lot of time with Jacob in La Push, trying to get her mind off of Edward and also being as reckless as possible. Janie has stopped communicating with her because of Norma. She doesn't need someone like that in Norma's life.

Norma was four months on the first of March. She's growing so much, and so fast. Janie continues to raise her to the best of her ability, especially since Jess moved into a small apartment, leaving the big cabin all to her and Norma. Janie doesn't mind. She's gotten used to people leaving.

Dennis, Tabitha, and Nico left Washington. Dennis missed Texas. But instead of going to Houston, they went to a small town known as Denton. They left in the middle of February but left the left for Janie when she turns every full moon because it's soundproof and that's what Janie needs due to the pain of a turn.

Bella learned about the wolf pack. She had made the mistake of slapping Paul, who is a major hothead. He phased right in front of her and Jacob jumped to her defense. He had to. She spent her spring break with Jacob and at Emily's.

All this is good until Alice and Janie have the same exact vision of Bella.

(4 month old Norma)

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(4 month old Norma)

Janie lays her now four-month-old baby sister down on the white blanket in the living room floor. She cleared out the coffee table for this. Janie feels a headache and she groans as she sits on the couch quickly and she goes into a vision.

Janie rushes to the foyer of the house and grabs her cellphone off the table and she calls Alice. She promised herself she wouldn't but she needs to know if the clairvoyant vampire saw the same thing.

"Janie!" Alice exclaims, glad it's just she and Eleazar Denali at the moment.

"Did you see what I just saw?" Janie asks.

"Depends," Alice replies as she gets some things together. "Whay did you see?"

"Bella jumping off of a cliff and into the water," Janie says as she returns to Norma, who begins babbling rather loudly and really cutely.

"I saw the same thing," Alice replies after she coos over the noise. "Did you see her be pulled out of the water at all? I didn't."

"Neither did I," Janie replies and Norma gets fussy. "Ooh, Norma, you stink! God, child, what is in that formula?"

"I'll be there soon," Alice chirps. "I cannot wait to meet that baby!"

"I'll see you soon, Alice," Janie says softly and she hangs up.

Janie picks up her sister and she walks upstairs to change her.

          Alice and Tobias go together to Forks. Alice goes to Bella's first thing. Tobias let's her be and he goes to Dennis and Tabby's and he hears nothing but silence. Tobias furrows his eyebrows and he steps inside and sees claw marks.

"Damn, she turned," he whispers. "Where are you?"

He climbs the stairs, up and down, and finds no one. Everything is gone.

"Did they leave Janie?" Tobias asks himself and he whips his phone out of his pocket to call Janie.

"Hello?" Janie greets. "Norma! Hey, sweet girl!" She squeals to a babbling baby.

"Where are you?" Tobias asks.

"At home," Janie replies.

"I'm at your home," Tobias states.

"Oh, that's my turning house," Janie says. "I'll text you my new address."

Janie hangs up and Tobias stares at his phone.

"New address?" Tobias murmurs and he gets it.

Tobias hums and he steps up and then he flashes out of the house and he goes into the woods across the street from the Cullens driveway and he arrives at the new King house.

"Impressive," he says to himself as he walks up the wooden steps and he knocks on the door.

He hears a baby cry and then the door opens, Janie is revealed and she looks great. She's wearing some laggy sweat pants to, a stained black T-shirt, some black so is, and her blonde hair is in a messy bun. If that's what one calls great. 

"Come in," she urges and she goes back to Norma and picks her up. "Hey, Tobias."

"Hey, Janie," Tobias greets as he looks at all of the baby stuff. "Emmett will throw a fit."

"Emmett has no reason to. He left," Janie says as she walks to the kitchen, Tobias follows. "I turned three days ago. I'm still sore."

"Is it every full moon?" Tobias asks.

"Unless the Volturi can help a child of the moon shift when they want like the Quiluete wolves, then yes," Janie replies, "every full moon." She makes a bottle and she feeds Norma. "Alice and I had the same vision."

Tobias goes to respond but his cellphone rings. "Hey, Alice."

"Bella's alive," Alice declares.

Tobias hurries and takes Norma and the bottle when Janie goes into a vision. Tobias holds the phone to his ear with his shoulder. "Janie's in a vision. And I'm feeding a baby."

Janie grabs the phone. "Alice. You need to get to Volterra. Now."

"Why? What did you see that I didn't?" Alice asks as she paces the front of Bella's house.

"Rosalie called Edward, he thinks Bella's dead," Janie claims. "He wants to die, too."

"Thank you," Alice says and she hangs up.

Tobias finishes burping Norma and he looks at Janie. "You really do look good. I'm glad you didn't go downhill when we nleft."

"I couldn't even if I wanted to," Janie says. "Besides, I lost e dry one else. Dad and Tabby took Nico and went to Texas. Jess and I are still close, but she started dating a Quiluete wolf and moved home. Then I got this little princess. Her adoption will be final in May and she will be my daughter instead of my sister."

"Emmett has no clue I'm talking to you right now," Tobias claims.

Tobias looks down at Norma, whose blue eyes are already locked on him. He lets her grab his finger and she chews on it.

"She's teething," Janie mumbles. "Hey, are you all coming back?"

"Not sure yet," Tobias replies as he and Janie sit in the living room, he keeps holding Norma.

"Can you watch her?" Janie says. "I haven't showered in days. I reak of baby formula and feces and urine."

"Go," Tobias replies. "I babysat a lot when I was a human."

Janie smiles thankfully at Tobias and she goes upstairs. Tobias smiles a little down at Norma and he cradles the four-month-old close as she babbles none sense.

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