Chapter 15

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"Monte Carlo?" Jessica asks as she pops a volleyball back and forth with Janie

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"Monte Carlo?" Jessica asks as she pops a volleyball back and forth with Janie. "That's our prom theme?"

"Gambling, tuxedoes, and Bond. James — ow!"

Janie popped the volleyball and hit him in the face. Jessica laughs and do does Emmett, who's sitting casually on the ground with them. Once the gang got to know Emmett, just this morning, they love him. He's different than his siblings. One, he's a senior like Rosalie is. And he actually gives them the time of day.

"Harsh," Emmett muses, making Jessica hums in agreement,ent but she can't help but laugh at Eric's surprised face.

"Janie!" Eric groans.

"Oh. My. God."

Emmett looks to where Angela's looking and spots Edward's Volvo. He gets out and opens the door for Bella. "I better get to my family," Emmett says as he stands up. "See you guys later."

"See ya, Emmett," Jessica replies.

Emmett nods and he smiles at Janie before he jogs across the lot. Janie smiles at Edward before she walks toward the school, and to history, where she is soon joined by Jasper.

"Why didn't you miss school?" Janie asks. "When you realized... who I was, like Edward did?"

"Because I was able to resist," Jasper replies. "Alice was a great help."

"I'm glad you have her," Janie replies.

Jasper smiles. "As am I."

"Baseball?" Janie asks Emmett. "I love baseball."

Emmett and Janie are sitting on the bleachers in gym class because there's a sub, and he's boring and not wanting anyone to play or work out or do any other gym activities.

"Wanna join us tomorrow afternoon?" Emmett asks. "There's a storm in the forecast and it's the only time we can play."

Janie nods in agreement and she thinks back to her conversation with Tobias. They talked that morning after Janie met the family. Caius Volturi was the one that found and turned him. He was one of the human workers at the castle and the Volturi didn't want to lose him. But as soon as Tobias was turned, he left and then he met Rosalie in 1933, shortly after she turned, and they've been together ever since then.

Janie plans on spending today in Seattle with Alice and Rosalie, shopping. Janie always loves shopping and new clothes bring comfort to her. Plus, Janie needs something to wear to Gennie and Aiden's wedding next month.

Alice backed out of the shopping trip so that she can hang out with Jasper on a small hunt. Rosalie and Janie go in Janie's car; a car that Rosalie is now in love with. Janie drives them to the mall.

It's a Friday afternoon, and this was the best thing Janie could think of to do. And she's bonding some with Rosalie, whom of which she kind of likes. Rosalie is strong, she's beautiful, and she's independent, no matter how much she loves Tobias.

Rosalie and Janie walk through the mall while everyone stirs clear as the two girls shop. Janie's cellphone rings while they're in Victoria's Sectet.

"Hello, mother," Janie greets and Rosalie looks at her.

"Janie, my love," Gennie says. "Are you bringing a date to the wedding? You only gave me your RSVP."

"Yes, I'm bringing a date to the wedding, mother," Janie replies. "I'm shopping right now. I'm gonna get the dress today."

"Okay," Gennie replies. "I'll see you at the wedding."

"That woman is insufferable," Janie comments when the phone call ends.

Rosalie smiles at Janie and they finish up in that store, and they go to one where Janie can get a dress for her mom's wedding.

Janie returns home after she drops Rosalie off and she brings her shopping bags to her room. Janie smiles at herself and she sits in her bed. She changes into the Batman shirt she stole from Emmett and wears only that to bed.

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