Chapter 42

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           "Don't go until I give the order," Sam instructs the pack, whom of which are all behind a large bolder.

The wolves all nod as they wait for the newborn vampires to arrive in the clearing. They growl and snip at each other when they smell them getting closer.

"Now!" Sam barks.

The wolves jump hover the rock and Janie goes straight toward a Hispanic looking vampire and she launches and grabs his head with her snout before ripping it clean off. A vampire grabs her fur but Janie, not being a regular shifter, is faster and whips around. She grabs the female and she gnaws at her.

"Pass her here," Leah urges.

Janie huffs and throws the female at Leah, who bites into her shoulder. Janie runs over and rips the female's head off.

"Thanks," Janie says before she runs off to join the others.

Leah growls lowly as she jumps at one to help Sam.

"Guys..." Paul's voice sounds.

Janie turns and sees her omega surrounded. She growls and she runs over. Emmett runs with her and they work together to kill the vampires surrounding Paul while Sam and Jacob charge at another newborn. Paul and Emmett share a look before Janie runs. She jumps over Jasper and gets the newborn before it bites him for protecting Alice.

Jasper smiles in appreciation as he and Alice help Janie.

"I can handle myself," Alice says.

Janie nudges Jasper before she takes off.

"Is Jasper okay?" Bella asks Edward.

"Janie saved him before the newborn could touch him," Edward replies. "That girl's a natural." He pauses. "Seth, go."

Janie goes into a vision and she sees them. Felix, Demitri, the twins - Jane and Alec. The guard. She looks at Alice, who hasn't seen them too. Janie stands with the Cullens as they burn the bodies and the pack carries Jacob off. Jake for hurt by a vampire for saving leah. Janie killed that vampire.

"Janie, you should go," Edward says.

"No," Janie says stubbornly. "They know me. They like me."

"Turn back then."

Janie runs into the trees and she shifts back. She puts on the shorts and green tank top and Vans before she rejoins the familt. Emmett grabs her hand and he pulls her close right as the Volturi guard appear.

"It appears you've done our work for us."

Janie and Felix meet eyes as the guard emerges from a mist and smoke. Felix's eyes light up as he smirks. Emmett notices the glint in their eyes and he smiles, knowing Janie put Felix on his ass once.

"Impressive," Jane says as she looks at the pile of bodies. "I've never seen a coven escape an assult of this magnitude intact."

"We were lucky," Carlisle claims.

Jane glances at Janie and back to Carlisle. "I doubt it." Jane has a feeling that if Janie wasn't there, they'd have been screwed, Jane knows that the King wolf has a natural instinct to protect and fight, its in her blood. She nor the kings have a problem with Janie and the Cullens being together. Aro knew as soon as he learned what Janie was and when she came to the castle. Aro isn't stupid, neither are Marcus and Caius.

Alec cracks his knuckles, he always unnerves Janie. "It appears we missed an entertaining fight."

"Yes," Jane replies. "It's not often we're reverend unnecessary."

"If you'd arrived half an hour ago, you would've fulfilled your purpose," Edward speaks up as Emmett keeps an arm around Janie.

"Pity," Jane says, and she spots the one living newborn, Bree. "You missed one."

"Janie, no," Rosalie says as Janie goes to get her.

"We offered her asylum in exchange for her surrender," Carlisle says.

"That wasn't yours to offer," Jane says and she moves to Bree. "Why did you come?" Befofe agree can answer, Jane uses her power, and sends a current through Bree, making her scream in pain.

Janie flinches and she looks down, remembering how she used to scream like that. But then the Volturi helped her by having her a potion made. Felix tries not to pay her any attention.

"They came to destroy - to kill Bella," Esme steps in.

Jane ignores her and continues the torture she is enjoying. "Who created you?"

"You don't need to do that," Esme says. "She'll tell you anything you want to know."

Janie packs away and she phases before running off. Unable to handle Bree's screaming. She goes to Jacob's and she phases. Paul hears and he grabs the pile of clothes he grabbed and he jogs into the bushes and sees a naked Janie. He hands them over. Janie puts on the pair of leggings and cropped Harley-Davidson T-shirt, not caring that she's bra less, and she joins the others, and they wait for Carlisle to come.

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