Chapter 19

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Janie goes downstairs on prom night I'm her blue dress with a silver back piece

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Janie goes downstairs on prom night I'm her blue dress with a silver back piece. She feels stunning, and she is. Her hair is curled heavily and she's wearing silver hoop earrings, a fourteen carrot diamond necklace she bought while in Texas for Gennie's wedding, and some silver eight-inch pumps.

Emmett's jaw drops when he sees the beautiful child of the moon come downstairs in her prom dress. Janie smiles widely at him, her lips painted red with lipstick and her eyelids have a stormy sky look to them due to the makeup.

"You look absolutely amazing," Emmett compliments.

"Thank you," Janie replies.

"You two stand together," Dennis orders. "I'm taking pictures."

Janie rolls her eyes at her dad but she listens. She stands close to Emmett, and Dennis takes several pictures before Tabby has to step in and stop him. Emmett and Janie then leave in her '04 Dodge Viper; she'll buy another one soon. Emmett grunts as he squeezes into the tint car and Janie drives them to the mansion where the prom is being held.

Rosalie let's out a barking laugh audddnly when she sees Emmett struggling to get out.

"We could use a hand," Janie says.

Jasper and Tobias jog over, both laughing in amusement and they help Emmett out of the car. Alice and Rosalie go on about how beautiful Janie looks until Emmett steals her away and brings her inside. Jessica's jaw drops when she sees the expensive accessories Janie is wearing, and how good she looks with the big and bulky Emmett Cullen.

Janie gives Emmett a peck on the lips before she meets Jessica at the picture booth. They take pictures together until a slow song comes on. Emmett steals her away from Jess and he tugs her to the dance floor.

Bella sees the couples dancing when she and Edward arrive. Alice and Jasper, Rosalie and Tobias, Emmett and Janie. She sees Eric at the turntable with Angela beside him with headphones on. Jessica has joined Mike at the photo booth in front of an Aston Martin cut-out. Mike poses as James Bond and Jess poses as Pussy Galore.

Janie goes to the punch table and she gets from of them fruit punch flavored punch. She looks around at everyone and she feels happy. Janie's happy. Emmett walks over and he pulls her close and kisses the top of her head as he enjoys the night.

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