Chapter 11

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It's Janie's first sunny, somewhat warm day in Forks since she's been here

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It's Janie's first sunny, somewhat warm day in Forks since she's been here. It makes Janie love the month of March in Forks. She dresses in some denim capris, a white tank top, a beige overshirt that is holy and see through, and some beige looking flats. Janie brushes her blonde curls and she leaves the house.

It's still slightly chilly outside but she loves the weather. The blonde goes to her beautiful car and she drives to Jessica, whom of which comes running out. Janie might try and find Emmett and ask him about Edward's stopping the van, or Alice or jasper. Those are the three Janie trusts the most within the Cullen family.

Janie and Jessica walk from the parking lot to the picnic tables. Janie learned that the Cullens don't come in on sunny days, which heightens Janie's suspicions. While Jessica and she soak up the sun, Janie pulls out her cell and she calls Alice.

"Hey, Janie!" Alice chirps, Emmett looks at her with a raised eyebrow.

"I need to talk to either you, Emmett, or Jasper," Janie says. "I have some.... important topics,and I only trust you three of the family." Janie had another vision, about Bella and Edward's conversation when she found out their 'secret', and Janie has questions.

Alice sighs, she saw this. "Okay. Jasper will meet you... where?"

"I'll let you know," Janie replies and she hangs up, she spots Bella looking around.

"He's not here," Jessica tells her.

Bella turns and she looks at Jessica, who is sitting on the grass with Janie.

"Whenever the weather's nice, the Cullens disappear," Jessica replies.

"They just... ditch?" Bella asks.

"No, dr. and Mrs. Cullen yank 'em for hiking and camping and stuff," Jessica claims. "I tried that with my patents. Not even close."

"My dad would yank himself out of work if I tried it," Janie hums.

Jessica smiles as Bella registers with what Jess had said. Angela comes bounding over excitedly.

"I'm going to prom with Eric!" She exclaims. "I just asked, I took control!" She hugs Bella and she pulls away. "Are you sure you have to go out of town?"

"It's a family thing," Bella claims.

"Oh, my god," Jessica gasps. "We need to hit the stores in Port Angeles before the dresses get cleaned out."

Janie grabs her phone and texts Alice.

To: Alice Cullen
From: Janie K:)
Message: I'm going to Port Angeles after school. Have Jasper find me.

Janie hits send and she asks Bella asking to tag along, Jessica and Angela accept.

Janie tries on a stunning blue dress that she immediately falls in love with. Janie looks at it in the dressing room's mirror first and then she steps out. Jessica's in a pink dress and the one Angela is trying on is a brown color. Janie walks over, and she looks in the mirror right as a group of drunk and rowdy frat boys knock on the glass.

"Janie, you got a text," Bella says when Janie's phone lights up.

"What's it say?" Janie asks.

"Alice Cullen saying Jasper's in PA," Bella says.

"I'm meeting Jasper to discuss a very important for our grade history assignment," Janie says.

Janie grabs her phone and goes to the dressing room. She texts Alice and has her tell Jasper she'll meet him at the park. She then changes and uses her unlimited credit card to buy her prom dress and some accessories and shoes before getting into her Dodge Viper outside, Jessica drove her car and Janie drove hers. Bella had rice with Janie while Angela rode with Jess.

Janie lays her dress and things in the passenger's seat before she drives to the local park. She spots Jasper sitting on a bench underneath a security light. The girl exhales before getting out of her warm car and she walks over.

"Hello, Jasper," Janie greets.

"Janie," Jasper says. "You wanted to talk?"

"It's about a vision I had yesterday," Janie claims.

Jasper turns to face her with a raised eyebrow. "Okay. What was your vision?" Jasper is trying his best not to attack Janie right now. Her blood hits him differenty than others, it's taking everything within for him not to kill her.

"I saw Edward and Bella go into the woods," Janie says. "It's their conversation that had me spooked... Bella had found out Edward is a... vampire." She whispers vampire even though there is no one else around.

Jasper sighs and he looks up at the sky, not saying anything. She knows.

"Is it true?" Janie asks. "Is Edward a vampire? Are the rest of you, you know, undead?"

"Yes," Jasper replies. "We're vampires."

Janie stands up. "I shouldn't have came."

She speed walks to her car but before she can reach for the door, Jasper's in front of her. She gasps and she backs up and Jasper's eyes turn stern.

"You can't tell anybody," Jasper says.

"I-I know," Janie says. "They wouldn't believe me, anyway. I'd me labeled a freak in this school, too. And I'd rather that not happen."

Jasper nods. "I'll tell Emmett you said hi?"

"Please... please don't," Janie says. "I can't... not right now. I have to go."

Janie gets into her car and she meets Jess and Angela at the restaurant. Janie enables her car alarm and she goes inside, looking as if nothing just happened.

Janie changes into some flannel pajamas once she's home and she grabs her laptop before sitting in her bed and she pulls up google. She typed in vampires and that's when her night of research and no sleep starts.

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