Chapter 8

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Janie puts her hair into a messy bun a few days later and she goes downstairs. Dennis is in his police uniform and his holatering his gun and tazer. He smiles at Janie as they both leave.

"Careful on the roads," Dennis says. "They're froze. I told Tabby, but I'll be late for dinner."


"Charlie and I are headed fowm to Mason County," Dennis claims. "A security guard at the Grisham Mill got killed by some kind of animal."

"What kind?" Janie asks, there were animal attacks in Texas... maybe not in the rich part, but the attacks were always on the news.

"Don't know," Dennis replies. "They've been hunting it for weeks. Charlie and I are lending a hand."

"Be careful, dad," Janie says.

"Always am, darlin'," Dennis replies. "Have a good day."

Janie gets into her car and she starts it up. She savors the heat as she drives to school carefully and she parks near the road. She gets out and she joins Jessica, Mike, Eric, Angela, and Bella at their vehicles. Jessica hooks her arm with Janie's and they head inside.

Janie goes to gym after lunch and she changes out. When she leaves, she sees a soccer ball in the center of the gym. She looks at coach Clapp and he looks around at his class.

"You ready for this?" Emmett asks casually as he walks up beside Janie. "Clapp likes putting the girls against the boys."

"Oh, I'm ready," Janie replies. "Ready to lose?"

Emmett smirks. "Oh, Janie, you're losing this time."

"We shall see."

Emmett jogs to catch up with Janie outside of the school when it ends.

"You got lucky in gym," Emmett states.

"Why? Because you lost?" Janie asks. "Are you a sore loser?"

Emmett scoffs and he hears the tires screeching. He grabs Janie's arm and he pulls her out of the way as Tyler's van swerved toward Bella's truck. Janie grabs Emmett's wrist as she watches her vision come true. She watches as the van is stopped and Edward stands up.

"Oh no," she whispers.

"Are you ok?" Emmett asks.

"Ye-yeah," Janie replies as everyone runs to Bella's aide. "I-I'll... um... I'll..."

Janie doesn't finish her sentence and as she jogs over. Emmett furrows his eyebrows at Janie's actions and he walks over to his family.

"She saw this in her head," Alice tells the family, that distracted them momentarily from Edward. "She's clairvoyant like me."

"She's freaked," Emmett claims.

"Can you blame her?" Alice asks and she sees Rosalie's anger. "Come on."

"I'm going to the hospital," Rosalie says. "I need a word with Carlisle and Edward."

"Don't be too hard on him," Alice says. "Emmett?"

"Let's go, I need to hunt," Emmett says.

Alice nods and the Cullens leave.

Janie lays in her room with her head in Tabitha's lap, freaking out. She told Tabby that one of her bad visions happened. She tells her about the accident where Bella was nearly hit by a van, but she leaves Edward stopping it out of the situation.

Tabitha combs Janie's hair back with her fingers and she watches as she freaks out and cries. Tabby frowns at the teen as she soothes her. She wants to adopt her; at least before she's eighteen in October. Tabby plans on asking Dennis about it, and then Janie and she'd like to Taylor to Gennie about it.

Tabitha stays in Janie's room with her, even when she's asleep, until she hears Dennis walk in. She goes downstairs.

"Janie had a bad day," Tabitha claims.

"Was it the acccident at the school?" Dennis asks.

"She saw it happen in a vision," Tabitha replies. "She freaked out. She's finally asleep."

Dennis removes his gun, tazer and belt. "Gennie wouldn't have been able t handle it."

"I want to adopt her," Tabitha says.

Dennis stops mid button and he looks at her. "What?"

"I've been thinking about it since Janie came to love with us," Tabby admits. "I'd like to adopt her as my own before she turns eighteen."

Dennis walks over and he kisses Tabitha. "That would be amazing. I'll run it by Gennie, you talk to Janie."

"Let's... do something else tonight," Tabitha suggests.

Dennis sees the look in her eyes and he picks her up bridal style, making the pregnant woman giggle and he carries her to their bedroom.

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