Chapter 29

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              Flu season is around, yay! Janie is luckily immune because of the fact she's a child of the moon

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Flu season is around, yay! Janie is luckily immune because of the fact she's a child of the moon. But Jessica isn't, neither is Norma, or their friends. Janie dresses warmly and drops Norma off with Mrs. Stanley before she heads to school.

"I'll kill Tyler if he gives me the flu," Jessica comments as Bella sits an an empty table at lunch, before taking a breath and joining them. "There's a baby at the house."

"It's going around," Angela admits. "My sister was so sick she couldn't come on our hike this weekend... so she didn't see it."

"Ang, maybe you should keep that to yourself..."

"We saw something, Eric," Angela cuts her boyfriend off.

"I believe you," Eric claims.

"No, he doesn't," Janie says. "He's just trying to get lucky."

"Is that an option?" Eric asks, suddenly hopeful.

"It was jet black and huge;" Angela says, ignoring Eric. "On all fours, it was still taller than a person. A bear, maybe."

"Or big foot," Jessica assumes.

"Or an alien," Mike claims. "Luckily you didn't get probed."

"We saw it," Angela says softly.

"You're not the only ones," Bella claims, and everyone looks at her as if she's brown two heads. "My dad's been getting report at the sheriff's station. A couple hikers went missing. People are scared."

Everyone is now chilled by that information. Janie tries to remember if Dennis ever mentioned reports at the station. She then remembers Tabitha wanted her out as soon as she got custody of Norma.

"I did hear some guy talking about it at the store," Mike claims.

"Last time you clowns doubt my girlfriend."

           Janie picks up Norma after school, Jessica catches a ride with her when she goes to Sam's. She got Sam's number when he first learned about the children of the moon and that Janie finally turned. He texted and invited her over to finally meet Emily. They've been friends since November and she's now finally meeting his fiancée.

Janie gets Norma out of her car seat and Jessica waits awkwardly. Paul comes jogging out with Jared, both of them are laughing at something. Jared makes a beeline towaed Janie and Norma while Paul casually drapes an arm over Jessica's shoulder.

"Sam's waiting," Jared says and he takes Norma. "Come on."

"Is that Jared Cameron with a baby?" A stunning woman with a scar on her face asks. "Oh, who are these girls?"

"Janie King and Jessica Stanley," Paul replies. "Forks residents. And this little lady is Norma King."

"Hey, I'm Emily," the woman greets and Embry comes sauntering in.

"Hey, Janie," Embry greets, remembering her from the beach, and he meets eyes wirh Jessica, and his entire world besides her disappears and their future fills his brain.

"Great," Paul grunts. "Sam!" He bellows, making Norma cry. "Oh," he takes her from Jared. "I'm sorry."

Sam comes downstairs and he sees Paul with the baby and he ignores that. "What?"

"We need a private word," Embry says when he finally looks away from a flustered Jessica.

Sam gives Janie a one-armed hug in greeting and he leads Embry outside.

"Yeah, I'm sorry," Paul says to the baby, who is now smiling cutely up at him. "Yeah. I'm uncle Paulie."

Paul walks into the living room with Norma and he sits with her.

"I never thought I'd see him with a baby," Tabitha says as she walks in. "Hey, Janie."

"Hi, Tabitha," Janie says and she goes to join Paul in the living room.

Jessica is stunned. Embry has taken her out back and told her about shifters and imprinting. Sam is inside telling Janie since she is Jess's housemate and Tabby's adoptive daughter and the fact she's a child of the moon. She's supernatural, too.

Jessica told Embry that she'd like to start out as friends, and get to know each other, and he agreed. Janie took the news well. As well as to be expected. Jessica, Janie, and baby Norma spend their night in La Push.

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