Chapter 18

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It's time for the Cook/East wedding in Houston, Texas

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It's time for the Cook/East wedding in Houston, Texas. Emmett and Janie met Aiden yesterday. It wasn't Janie's first time meeting the man, but it was her first time meeting him as Gennie's fiancée and the father of Janie's unborn sibling. 

Janie dressed in a gorgeous red dress with gold jewelry. She wears a black half-sleeved blazer, some black leggings, and some stunning black heels with a six-inch heel or a seven. Janie feels confident, like she normally does, as she goes downstairs and she finds Emmett waiting for her in his suit that Aiden helped him get fitted.

"You look amazing," Emmett compliments.

"Thank you," Janie replies.

"Janie!" Aiden chants.

Aiden is a handsome man. He has dirty blonde hair, stormy blue eyes, he's tall with nice skin and a nice body. Janie had seen him shirtless on the cover of multiple magazines.

"Hey, Aiden," Janie greets.

"I'm glad you could come to the wedding, kid," Aiden comments. "You look great!"

"Thanks, Aiden," Janie replies. "We better go find our seats."

Janie and Emmett head to the gardens and sit in the shaded area. It is one of the things that makes Emmett relieved about this big wedding. The seats are all full. From the Cook family and the East family. Janie has done conversed with her aunts and uncles and cousins before Aiden came out.

The Gennie comes out. Aiden tears up and so does Janie, Gennie looks beautiful.

 Aiden tears up and so does Janie, Gennie looks beautiful

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Everyone is seated once Gennie makes it to Aiden. Janie grabs Emmett's hands.

"We are gathered here in holy matrimony to join these two in marriage," the minister Aiden hired says. "They have decided upon the traditional vows. Please, repeat after me... I, Gennie Cook..."

"I, Gennie Cook."

"Take you, Aiden East."

"Take you, Aiden East."

"To be my wedded husband."

"To be my wedded husband."

"To have and hold from this day forward."

"To have and to hold from this day forward."

"For better or worse."

"For better or worse."

"For richer, or poorer."

"For richer or poorer."

"In sickness and in health."

"In sickness and in health."

"To love and to cherish."

"To love and to cherish."

"From this day forward until death do us part."

"From this day forward until death do us part."

The minister moves onto Aiden and he repeats after him. After the vows, Aiden and Gennie finally kiss. Janie wolf-whistles at her mom and new step-dad as she joins everyone in cheering for the newest weds before everyone goes inside for the reception.

"Mother, you look beautiful," Janie says as she and Emmett approach her and Aiden inside.

"Thank you, my love," Gennie says. "Are you coming when the baby's born?"

"I would be honored," Janie replies. "When are you due?"

"On the first of November, I get a c-section," Gennie replies.

"I'm going to go and find some family to introduce Emmett to," Janie says. "I'll see you off you your honeymoon, guys,"

Janie and Emmett go back to Washington after seeing Gennie and Aiden off for their honeymoon

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Janie and Emmett go back to Washington after seeing Gennie and Aiden off for their honeymoon. Emmett and Janie go to the Cullen house.

"Hey!" Alice chirps. "How was it?"

"Beautiful," Janie replies.

"That house!" Emmett boasts. "You'd have loved it."

"Tell her about the shopping distracted my mom and me showed you the day we met Aiden," Janie says.

"Alice, you'd have shopped for days," Emmett muses.

Alice smiles. "You're bringing me next time!"

Alice grabs Janie's hand and drags her upstairs once her jacket, scarf, gloves, and hat are off. They go into her room and Rosalie joins them.

"Emmett and I are together."

Emmett grimaces when Alice shrieks loudly and suddenly, and he smiles at Esme, who is smiling.

"You're together?" Esme smiles. "It's about damn time!"

"There's something else," Emmett says. "Along with her ability, she's a child of the moon."

Carlisle drops his pen from where he's sitting at the counter. "She's a what?"

"Child of the moon," Emmett says. "Her dad said she should change after she's eighteen for the first time, and then it'll be every full moon."

"Wow," Carlisle smiles in amazement. "I haven't seen a child of the moon since 1701. They were a King, if i remember correctly. Henri King. Extraordinary creatures. That's why she has that ability. No doubt, Dennis has an ability, too."

After that being said, the out sound in the house is the girls gossiping upstairs and Alice's giggling.

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