Chapter 16

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Janie leaves her leather jacket in Jasper's truck, since Emmett lent Edward his Jeep, as they head to the clearing for the baseball game

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Janie leaves her leather jacket in Jasper's truck, since Emmett lent Edward his Jeep, as they head to the clearing for the baseball game.

"Why are you stretching?" Emmett asks when Janie stretches out. "You're not playing."

"Oh? Says who?" Janie asks, looking at Emmett through her eyelashes.

"Don't look at me like that," Emmett warns, making the others smile, "fine! But only Alice or Rose throws to you."

Janie pecks Emmett's cheek before she jogs over to where Rosalie and Alice are. Emmett exhales sharply and he smells Bella coming.

"I'm glad you're here," Esme says. "We need an umpire."

Emmett sends of a big, crooked grin. "She thinks we cheat."

"I know you cheat," Esme says. "Call 'em as you see 'em. Janie, you can bat first."

Janie bats and she gets out of the way once she's out. Thunder rumbles and it's time for the vampires to play ball. Janie sits on the rock behind the batter's mound. Rosalie walks up to the mound, she nods at Janie in greeting and she prepares to hit the ball, and then she does. She smashes the back with the aluminum bat, it cracks like thunder, and real thunder follows it.

Edward flashes into the trees to catch the ball, being the fastest. Esme catches the ball a milisecond before Rosalie hits the base, and she's out. Carlisle bags next. Jasper does a cool move with the bat before he whacks it.

Janie groans suddenly when she feels a headache coming. Jasper whips toward her and he looks at Alice, both of whom are in a vision.

"Stop!" Alice yells. "I didn't see them... they were traveling so quickly..."

"You said they left the county..}

"They did," Janie says and everyone looks at her, "but they heard you." Janie looks at the mind-reader. "They changed their minds."

Emmett rushes toward Janie and he gives her his flannel he had laying to the side. He puts it on her and he helps get her blonde curls down.

"Stay glued to my side, okay?" Emmett says and Janie nods.

Emmett pulls Janie close to him and Janie relaxes slightly. She glared at Jasper who surrenders, her fear comes back. Three figures, jusy like her vision, come walking out of the trees. A dark-skinned male with deep crimson eyes. He is in dark jeans and a trance coat, but no shirt or shoes. A white male with the same deep crimson eyes, but he has blonde hair that's in a ponytail. He's dressed similar as the other one. Then there's the woman. She has wolf red hair, crimson eyes. She's beautiful, yet dangerous. She has a wild look in her eyes. She's wearing worn bell bottom jeans, a green shirt, and jo shoes. The trio all look dangerous. But the only one that unnerves Janie is the woman.

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