Chapter 41

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              Emmett goes flying through the air and he lands on the ground. He immediwlty springs back up to face off with Jasper, once again.


Edward pulls his Volvo up, it skips next to Jasper's newer Jeep and he climbs out with Bella.

"We're here!" Janie sings in her mind.

"They're here," Edward comments, reading Janie's mind.

"Janie, shut up!" Paul snaps with a growl as they leave the trees.

Paul and Jared are on either side of Sam's wolf. Janie is with Seth and Leah. Embry and Quil are standing together. Paul and Emmett meet eyes, both of whom are itching for a rematch.

"Edward, please tell my imprint not to be an idiot again," Janie says. "I don't have the patience today."

"Emmett, Janie says not to be an idiot again because she doesn't have the patience," Edward says and Emmett crosses his arms, pouting.

"We came in our wolf forms because all of us but Janie don't trust you enough to be in human forms," Sam explains.

"They don't trust us enough to be in their human forms," Edward says. "All of them but Janie."

"They came. That's what matters," Carlisle claims.

Jacob comes in a little late and he looks at Bella. Bella sees her reflection in his eyes when she greets him. Jacob lolls his tongue before he and Janie stand together. Sam, Jared, and Paul; Jacob and Janie; Seth and Leah; Quil and Embry. Rosalie is standing with Emmett and Tobias. Tobias has his arms wrapped around Rosalie from behind, and Emmett is standing beside them. Alice is standing with Jasper. Esme is with Carlisle.

"Will you translate?" Carlisle asks the mind reader.

Edward nods. Sam steps forward, huffing and growling lowly.

"Jasper has experience with newborns," Carlisle tells them. "He'll teach us how to defeat them."

"How are newborns different from you?" Sam asks.

"They want to know how the newborns differ from us," Edward translates.

"They're a great deal stronger than us, because their own human blood lingers in their tissues," Carlisle explains. "Our kind is never more powerful... than in our first several months in this life."

"Wow," Quil thinks. "Wild! Glad I'm not one."

"Quil..." Paul groans. "Shut up."

Jasper steps forward. He is initially uncomfortable by the wolves and their attention. "Carlisle's right," he says. "That's why they are created. A newbirn army doesn't need thousands like a human army. And no human army could stand against them. The two most important things to remember are, first... never let them get their arms around you. They'll crush you instantly. The second... never go for the obvious kill. They'll be expecting that. And you will lose. Emmett?"

"Tell Jasper to kick my sexy imprint's fine sss," Janie thinks.

"I'm not repeating that, Janie," Edward says and he shudders a little, making the other wolves mentally laugh.

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