Chapter 43

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                 "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age. And at a certain age the child is grown and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies."
               Bella Swan.

              Nico runs into Sam's house when he and Jared arrive.

"Ja-ja!" Nico exclaims cutely and he hands her a paper. "You gah ma (you got mail)!"

"Oh, thank you, Nico," Janie coos.

Nico smiles and he runs over to play with Norma, who is crowling into the living room from the kitchen wearing a pretty blue dress. Nico is now one, he turned one on the first of August. It is now the eleventh of August. 


Together with their families
Request the honor of your presence
At the celebration of their marriage

Saturday, August 13, 2006
420 Woodcroft Ave.
Forks, Washington.

"Oh, it's happening!" Janie squeals.

"What is?" Paul asks as he saunters in with a stuffed wolf, which he gives to Norma.

"Edward and Bella's wedding," Janie says. "It's in... two days. Why am I just getting my invite now?"

"That might be your third one," Jared muses. "Miss slobber box over there slobbered on and ruined the other two. Months apart."

"Of course you did, little miss," Janie muses. "You two are my dates."

Jared smiles at Janie and there a knock on the door. Sam furrows his eyebrows and he opens it.

"Mom?" Janine gasps.

Gennie is invited in and she sees Janie. "Janie, my baby."

Janie walks over and she hugs her mom tightly. Gennie sees the babies when they pull apart.

"Wow, they're getting big," Gennie comments. "I came to visit, but Emmett said you was at a friend's."

"Guys, this is my mom, Gennie East," Janie claims. "Mom, these are my friends. Sam, Paul, Jared, Embry, Leah, and Quil."

Gennie smiles at them in greeting and she dismisses herself. Goes to her motel room in Port Angeles while Janie stays with her pack familt.

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