Chapter 10

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Janie is sitting with her friends at lunch

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Janie is sitting with her friends at lunch. She and her friends have been discussing first beach down on the Quiluete reservation in La Push. Dennis always told Janie how nice it is there. At the beach and in La Push.

Bella enters the lunch room and she looks at the Cullen table. Edward doesn't spare her a single glance as he speaks with his siblings. Anger and determination set in as Bella walks over to join Eric, Janie, Jessica, Mike, and Angela at their table. She placed her bag into a seat.

"La Push, baby," Eric says bluntly. "You in?"

"Am I supposed to know what that means?" Bella asks.

"La Push beach, down on the Quiluete rez," Mike says. "We're all going after school. Big swell coming in."

"And I don't jusy surge the internet," Eric muses.

Mike jumps up into the chair at his feet and he pretends to surf. Tyler smiles as he pulls Mike back down.

"Eric, you stood up once," Jessica says. "On a foam board."

"There's whale watching, too," Angela says. "Come with."

"La Push, baby," Eric says and he makes a funny hand gesture. "It's La Push."

"I'll go if you stop saying that," Bella replies and she heads toward the salad bar.

"My dad has been trying to get me to La Push since I moved in," Janie admits.

"Then you can make him happy," Jess muses. "When do I get to meet your parents?"

"You might not meet my high-class mom, she lives in Texas still," Janie replies. "You can meet my dad and step-mom whenever you decide to come to my place to study instead of the other way around."

"What's your mom's name?" Angela asks curiously as Edward approaches Bella.

"Gennie Cook," Janie replies. "Blonde hair, bright blue eyes. Stunning, but scary when she goes crazy or when she's mad."

Janie goes to First Beach with her group of friends after school. It's freezing but Janie loves it. She's enjoying the cold. Mike, Jessica, and some others are getting suited up for surfing, Janie included. Jess brought a wetsuit for Janie, because Janie wanted to catch some waves. Janie used to surge all the time at the Surfhouse in Texas.

"I keep thinking Eric's gonna ask me to prom, then he just... doesn't," Angela says.

"Tyler, zip me up," Janie urges and the boy agrees and walks over.

"You could ask him," Bella says and Angela then looks flustered. "Take control. You're a strong, independent woman."

"I am?"

"Damn right you are," Janie replies. "I'd have asked Emmett if he didn't ask me first."

Angela smiles at Janie.


Janie turns and she sees three La Push locals walking over. They all have hair down to their lower backs and are dressed in jeans and long sleeved shirts. Puppy dog brown eyes, tanned skin.

"Guys, this is Jacob," Bella introduces.

"Hi, Jacob," Janie greets.

"Are you stalking me now?" Bella asks after Jacob Black and Janie introduce themselves to each other.

"You're on my rez, remember?" Jacob muses. "You surviving?"

"Definitely not," Bella replies.

"Keep her company," Jessica says teasingly after Janie zips her suit up. "Her date bailed."

"What date?" Eric asks.

"She invited Edward," Jessica muses.

"To be polite," Bella replies in embarrassment.

"I think it's nice that she invited him," Angela says. "No one ever does."

"Because Cullens a freak," Mike says and Janie hits him in the back of the head. "I didn't say your Cullen was! You hit hard."

'You got the freak part right," one of Jacob's buddies claims.

"You know them?" Bella asks.

"The Cullens don't come here," the guy says sharply.

Janie frowns and she grabs the surfboard. "Don't let me break up the hater fest. I'm gonna go, you know, hit the waves."

Janie gives the guy a look and she walks away. Sam Uley exhales sharply and he looks at the other guy with him and Jacob, Embry Call. Embry looks amused by Janie. Janie gets into the water and Tyler chases after her, so do Jessica and some of the other surfers.

Janie is smiling as she and Jessica enter her house later. Dennis is watching an action movie on tv and Tabitha is cooking some spaghetti in the kitchen.

"Dad, this is my friend, Jessica," Janie says. "Jessica, this is my dad... Dennis."

Dennis looks up and he smiles, which leaves Jessica in shock. "Hey."

Tabby enters the room and she recognizes Jessica from the diner, which is where Janie and Jessica first met. "Hey, Jessica."

Jessica smiles shyly. "Hi, Mrs. King."

"Honey, call me Tabby, everyone does," Tabitha claims. "Dinner's ready. You staying?"

"Could I?" Jess asks.

Tabby grabs Jessica's hand and she tugs her to the dining room. Dennis and Janie share an amused look before they join them. They say grace before digging in and talking about their days, Jessica is involved, too.

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