Chapter 17

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It's been a couple weeks since the baseball game. The Cullens went and got rid of James, and kept Bella safe. Bella has a cast on her leg and will up until after prom. It's April now, and Janie is on a plane with Emmett, on their way to Texas.

Julio takes Emmett and Janie's jackets they they enter the mansion

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Julio takes Emmett and Janie's jackets they they enter the mansion. Janie goes straight over to Julio's lucky plant I'm the center of the foyer. Janie removed her hat, scarf, and gloves as she looks at it. Julio takes them and he brings all of the coats, gloves, scarves and such to the closet in the hall.

"My love!"

Gennie Cook comes down the left flight of stairs. Emmett can now see where Janie gets her blue eyes and blonde hair from. Gennie hugs Janie and she sees Emmett, who is wearing brown contacts.

"Oh!" Gennie gasps. "You did bring someone! Hi, I'm Gennie Cook, I'm Janie's mother."

"Hello, Ms. Cook," Emmett greets and he shakes her hand. "I'm Emmett Cullen."

Gennie smiles. "Show him up to your room. The wedding will be this weekend."

"When do I meet Aiden again?" Janie asks.

"Tomorrow," Gennie replies. "Show Emmett yo your room, baby. I'll see you for dinner."

Janie takes Emmett's hand and she leads up up the right set of stairs. Her room is still the same.

The bed is still made and the fuzzy white rug is still dowm

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The bed is still made and the fuzzy white rug is still dowm. Her vanity and desk are still there. But her walk-in closet is empty, as she knew it was. Janie leaves her closet and finds Emmett playing with the soccer ball Gennie kept.

"I played soccer in my middle school, I went to prep school and was on the soccer team," Janie tells him. "I can't beliebe that she kept that."

"It's sentimental," Emmett says. "Clothes aren't."

"I know," Janie replies and she looks at Emmett. "Can I kiss you?"

"What?" Emmett asks, shocked.

"I feel romantic," Janie muses. "And we're in my old bedroom."

"Janie, you don't have to ask," Emmett replies.

Janie grabs Emmett's face and she connects her warm lips to his cold ones. Emmett placed his hands on Janie's hips since she's standing and he's sitting, and he pulls her into his lap as the two continue to kiss. They pull away before they go to far and she smiles at him until Penelope Johansson comes rushing in. The maid informs Emmett and Janie that dinner has been served and she hurries out.

Janie grabs Emmett's hand and they go downstairs. Gennie is sat in her usual seat, rubbing her barely noticeable. She gets afternoon sickness and she's nauseated right now. Gennie's face lights up when she sees Janie and Emmett sitting.

"Sierra made roasted chicken," Gennie tells them.

Janie nods, she lives Sierra's cooking. Sierra comes out with the plates and places them in front of everyone. Emmett eats, to keep up his human image inf front of Gennie.

"Excuse me," Gennie mumbles and she runs off.

"Afternoon sickness," Janie says. "She had it with me, too, according to my dad."

"This smells good, but..."

Janie giggles and Gennie returns ten minutes later.

"My apologies," Gennie says. "So, Janie, how's your father?"

"He's good," Janie replies. "Preparing for a little boy."

"I heard Tabitha was pregnant," Gennie replies. "Kudos to her."

Janie smiles. "I was thinking of shopping while I'm here."

"You still have your card?" Gennie asks.

"I do," Janie replies. "And my car. Though I might need a new one."

"An upgrade to this year?" Gennie smiles.

"Yeah, the Viper I have now is an '04," Janie says.

Gennie smiles at her daughter. This is one of her good days, Janie notices. Gennie is smily, happy. Genuinely. The trip eat their dinner and then Gennie heads up to call Aiden. Janie and Emmett go outback to the gardens and sit in the middle of the rose garden. The two lay and they cuddle, and look at the starts in the Texan sky.

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