Chapter 4

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Janie changes into a salmon colored 'Promoted to Big Sister' T-shirt along with a pair of comfortable jeans before slipping into a pair of gray vans

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Janie changes into a salmon colored 'Promoted to Big Sister' T-shirt along with a pair of comfortable jeans before slipping into a pair of gray vans. She and Tabitha are giving Dennis his gift today and Tabby is bringing Janie on a tour of the town before Dennis brings her to meet Charlie.

Janie meets Tabitha in the living room. Tabby grins at Janie's shirt and they approach Dennis, who is sipping a cup of coffee. Dennis looks up, he reads Janie's shirt because uses a sucker for tshirts with sayings on them.

Promoted to Big sister.

Dennis furrows his eyebrow and then Tabitha hands him the box. Dennis pulls out a onesie that says:

 Dennis pulls out a onesie that says:

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Surprise! You're going to be a daddy.

"What are you trying to tell me?" Dennis asks as his green eyes meet Tabby's light brown ones.

"Dad!" Janie scoffs. "I'm going to be a big sister."

"Wha... wait a minute." Dennis stands up and he looks between the blonde and the finger. "Tabby, are you pregnant?"

"Yes!" Tabitha exclaims.

"Holy shit!" Dennis boasts and he huhs Tabby and then he hugs Janie. "Janie, you ready for a baby around here?"

"Of course," Janie replies. "The baby will be loved by three people. And not the butler."

Dennis kisses the top of Janie's head as Tabitha goes to start cooking breakfast. That is until she runs to the upstairs bathroom with morning sickness. Janie goes to the kitchen to finish cooking. Sierra, Gennie's head chef, taught Janie the basics of cooking and Janie took culinary in private school.

"I'm going today and enrolling you in school," Dennis says. "It might take them about two days to get your transcripts. Your first day should be ok Wednesday."

Janie nods and she finishes the pancakes and she makes plates as Tabby comes back down. Dennis kisses her on the cheek before they all sit around the dining room for breakfast.

The one thing Janie noticed about Forks is that it rains.... a lot. She doesn't mind, even though she loves wearing high heels. She can run in heals, she has before. Especially when she'd run away from her mom when she went crazy.

Janie has seen the local diner, small grocery stores, small retail stores, the tiny book store, and then the high school. Dennis wanted Tabitha to show Janie what the school looked like before she started in a couple of days.

While they were at the local diner for a little bit of lunch, Janie met a girl named Jessica Stanley. She quickly found out Jessica also goes to Forks High School. She said she'd take Janie under her wing when she starts, show her the ropes of public school. Janie is super excited to be going to a public school and to get to show off her clothes. Jessica was thrilled to know how happy Janie is, despite how late in the school year she's starting.

Janie is at the local park now, alone. Her car is in a parking space and the alarm is enabled. Tabitha wanted to get home where it was warm. Janie's glad she decided to buy a parka jacket and bring it along on the tour of Forks, Washington today. It's freezing out.

Janie stays at the park for about an hour and a half. She smiles to herself before she wanders to her car. Janie disables the alarm before getting and starting it. She sits with it running for a while, heating up from the crisp air, and she drives home.

Home. Janie likes the sound of her dad and Tabby's house being home now. She loves this small town, she loves the rain, she loves her dad and Tabby, and she loves their house. And so far, the people in Forks seem nice.

"Come on!" Dennis yells from his running police cruiser. "You're still meeting my friend."

Janie turns her car off and gets out. She enables the alarm before she walks over to Dennis' cruiser and she gets in. Dennis drives for about ten minutes before he pulls into a dead end road and he drives to the end house where another police cruiser sits.

Dennis and Janie walk up and Charlie opens the door before Dennis can knock. Charlie let's them in and they all head to the heated living room. Janie and Dennis lay their jackets on the back of the couch.

"Charlie, this is Janie, my daughter," Dennis says. "Janie, this is one of my good friends and the chief of police - aka, my boss - Charlie Swan."

"It's nice to meet you, Charlie," Janie says.

"You, too," Charlie claims.

"I got some news this morning, Charlie," Dennis says, Janie can't help but grin.

"Oh?" Charlie raises an eyebrow.

"Read Janie's shirt."

Charlie does so and he glances at Dennis. "Tabitha's pregnant, huh?"

Dennis nods. When Dennis goes upstairs to use Charlie's bathroom, Charlie jumps into telling Tabitha the story about how he and Dennis became friends.

Dennis was new to the force and knew no one. Charlie felt bad for him so he took him to the local diner for dinner and talked. Became friends. That diner is also where Dennis and Tabitha met. Tabby had been there with her now deceased mother for lunch when she and Dennis bumped into each other and started talking. 

Dennis brings Janie back home when the sun sets. Tabitha has made a roasted chicken with mashed potatoes and sweet peas for dinner. The King family gather around the table. Dennis says a prayer and they eat. 

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