Chapter 22

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             Janie isn't sure how to feel. He left her. He and his familt. The Cullens. Emmett. Jasper's slip up was the reason even though Emmett said he didn't love her. She knows he did, she saw it in his eyes how it killed him to tell her that, to lie to her.

Janie hasn't left her room all morning. She's been crying. She was beginning to fall for Emmett and then he left. Rosalie, Alice, Tobias, Jasper... Her apparent friends... they had no problem in leaving.

Janie hears Nico crying and she stands up. She brushes her self off and looks in the small mirror above her dresser and she wipes the tears from her cheeks before she leaves the bedroom. She walks downstairs and Tabby smiles as Janie picks up Nico.

"Are you okay?"

"No," Janie replies. "I'm not. But I will be. I'm a King and a Cook; I'm strong."

"Yes, yes you are," Tabitha replies. "You want to take him out today?"

"Can I take him to first beach?" Janie asks.

"Yeah," Tabby replies. "I'm gonna go get sleep!"

Janie smiles at her sleep deprived mother. She carries Nico to his nursery.

"Don't worry, Nico, I won't get depressed," Janie says as she changes his diaper. "I won't let them do that to me. I won't. You know what? Because if you, you little booger."

Janie picks up the baby once she has him in a diaper and she walks over to his dresser. Janie sways from side to side as she finds him some warm clothes and she gets him dressed. She's bringing him to Jessica's first, and then the beach.


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            Janie sits in the sand with Nico and she watches the water

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            Janie sits in the sand with Nico and she watches the water. She remembers a few days ago, when they left. Edward had brought Bella into the woods to tell her that they were leaving. He broke her. Sam Uley had found her in the woods, freezing, wet, and crying.

Janie won't let that happen to her. She has Nico to worry about, her baby brother, who is almost two months old. And then she'll have a baby sister in November. She can't wait to see her. Janie hears some laughing and she glances over.

She spots the one she was just thinking about. Sam Uley. She saw him that one day at the beach when she was a junior. He had long hair, and was a scrawny looking guy. He's gotten hotter. He's buff, cut his hair, has a tattoo. He's with two more guys. Both with cut off hair and abs. Sam has a bit of a stomach, and not abs but that's what makes him hotter.

"Nico, sissy is staring at a taken man," Janie muses as she remembers Sam Uley's fiancée, Emily Young. "Oops?"

Nico grins and it melts Janie's heart. Janie looks up and sees Sam walking over.

"Janie, right?" Sam asks. "Saw you last March."

"Yeah," Janie replies. "You're Sam?"

Sam nods. "Who's this little guy?"

"My baby brother, Nico," Janie says proudly. "He's perfect."

"I believe it," Sam says, his deep voice giving Janie chills. "Be careful going home, Janie."

"Don't get sick," Janie says, referring to fact that Sam and his boys are only in shorts and sandals.

Sam jobs back over to his guys. Janie packs up her and Nico's things before she walks back o her Chevy Malibu. She straps Nico in and she puts his diaper bag into the other seat before she drives to the grocery store in Port Angeles. She grabs Nico, his diapers bag, and she heads inside. She gets a cart and puts his carrier seat into it and puts the diaper bag into the bigger section of the cart and she goes for the baby formula first. Gerber, lactose free, it's the only kind Nico can have without getting sick.

Janie then picks up some needed groceries and then she goes to the bathroom. She changes Nico's diaper and she drives home. Dennis grabs the groceries while Janie carries Nico inside and Tabby takes him. Janie heads outside and she helps her father carry the stuff in before she goes to get cleaned up.

Janie won't let Emmett break her down, even if he did leave, no matter how much she was falling for him. Nico needs her, her dad and Tabitha need her, and her unborn sister needs her. They need her sane. And that's exactly what she'll be. Sane.

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