Chapter 12

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Once Janie is dressed for school the next morning warmly, she goes downstairs

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Once Janie is dressed for school the next morning warmly, she goes downstairs. Dennis is already gone, so she gives Tabitha a hug before she leaves. She parks beside Jessica and she sees Bella leading Edward into the woods. Just like her vision.

Janie looks across the lot at Jasper and he nods. She sighs and she tells Jessica she's going to class. Janie grips her bag tightly as she heads across the lot. Rosalie touches Emmett's arm to keep him still.

"Give her time," Rosalie whispers. "It might take some time for her to warm up for us... unlike Isabella."

Emmett chuckles at the venom in Rosalie's tone when she said Isabella. Tobias smiles at Emmett's chuckle, knowing that Rosalie has succeeded in cheering him up.

Janie sits with her friends at lunch. She's gotten rid of her coat and scarf, but still looks has beautiful as everyone knows she is. She piddles with her food.

"I'm gonna a go talk to Emmett and his family," Janie says. "Is that..?"

"Go," Jessica muses. "You're allowed to have other friends."

Janie nods and she gives Jess the rest of her pizza before she stands and walks over. "I had some questions," she tells them as all of the Cullens look at her.

"Okay," Tobias replies, his voice is soft yet strong at the same time. "But not here." Tobias focuses on her and he pushes his thoughts into hers with the address; Tobias' gift is that he can send his thoughts into someone else's head. "Go there after school, and we will answer whatever question it is that you have."

Janie thanks them and she leaves before the bell rings. Janie stops by her locker and she leans against the cold metal. She isn't sure how to react to the idea of vampires being real. She always loved watching scary and funny vampire movies when in her mom's mansion, and read thriller and steamy vampire novels. Never, in her seventeen years, had she thought vampires were actually real.

Janie pulls out her phone and she texts Tabby, saying she's going to a friend's after school and then she heads toward gym.


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