Chapter 37

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Bonfires... that's the one thing Janie has been looking forward to since she joined the pack. She's been wanting to learn more about the Quiluete. She is also thankful that the elders accept her, even though she isn't a Quiluete by blood. Quil Ateara Sr. and Billy Black both said they know the King family, and said that Janie has her oen magic running through her veins.

Dennis came into town last night, and that's where Norma is. He wanted to spend time with his new grandchild. He left Tabitha and Nico in Texas. He wanted to see his daughter and Norma.

Janie finally met Leah's little brother, Seth. He is freaking adorable, Janie adores him. But the thing is, Seth officially has the hots for Janie. He told Paul that she's a hot blonde. Paul being Paul, he agreed with Seth, even though he imprinted on Jacob's sister, Rachel Black.

"Hey," Leah greets as she sits beside Janie on the log behind Jacob's house. "Where's Norma?"

"With my dad while he's in Forks," Janie replies.

"This is your first bonfire, too, huh?" Leah asks, and Janie nods. "The woman with Quil Sr and Billy is mine and Seth's mom, Sue. She took my dad's place on the council when he died."

Sue sends Janie a warm smile, one of which Janie returns.

"Billy and Quil Sr said I have my own magic in my veins, being a child of the moon and a King," Janie claims.

Leah smiles fondly at the female child of the moon and Seth runs off suddenly. Leah exhales sharply as her eyes follow her little brother. She spots Jacob and Bella arriving.

"What's she doing here?" Janie asks.

"I don't know," Leah murmurs. "Jacob must've invited her."

Janie sighs. "Of course he did. I can't even invite my guy because he's a Cullen."

"I'm sorry," Leah coos and she takes Janie's hand reassuringly as Jacob leads Bella over as Seth bounds over and sits on the other side of Janie. "Seth..."

"I'll be good," Seth claims.

Janie sends him a smile, making the fifteen-year-old wolf blush wildly. Leah playfully nudges Janie. Bella is surprised to see Leah in a good mood with her around. She sees Janie's smile and understands it as she sits beside Jacob.

"The Quiluetes have been a small tribe from the beginning," Billy begins, everyone turns their attention to him. "But we've always had magic in our blood, we were great spirit warriors... shape shifters, that transform into the powerful wolf. This enabled us to scare off our enemies, and protect our tribe. One day, our warriors came across a creature. It looked like a man, but it was hard like stone, and cold as ice. Our warriors' sharp teeth finally tore it apart... but only fire would completely destroy it. They lived in fear that the Cold Man was not alone. And they were right. She took her vengeance out on the village. Our elder chief, Taha Aki, and the child of the moon at that time, Tomas King, were the only ones left to save the tribe after their sons were killed."

Janie tightens her grip on Leah's hand when Billy mentions her ancestor, Tomas King. Her dad told her stories about Taha Aki and Tomas King. Taha and Tomas were friends, close friends. The Quiluete tribe and the King pack of the children of the moon wolves were friends and they joined sides with each other.

"Taha Aki and Tomas King's third wives could see that they would lose," Billy continues. "The third wives was no magical beings, no special powers, but one... courage."

Janie smiles. Courage. Her dad uses that word a lot.

"The third wives' sacrifice part distracted the Cold Woman long enough for Taha Aki and Tomas King to destroy her. They saved the tribe. Over time, our enemies disappeared. But one remains. The Cold Ones."

"Wait," Janie speaks up. "The Kings' are practically Quiluete?"

"By blood, no," Quil Sr. says with a gentle and warm smile. "By fate? Yes. You Kings are Quiluete by fate, from the dat Tomas and Taha joined forces and their families."

Billy smiles at Janie when she goes silent. "Our magic awakens when they're near," Billy says. "And we sense it now, we feel the threat in our blood. Something terrible is coming. And we must all be ready. All of us."

Janie looks at the fire. She felt it, she felt the threat in her blood and sensed the trouble. Billy looks at her and he notices the look. Janie grabs her phone and she walks off. She dials Carlisle's number.

"Janie?" Carlisle says.

"I need to go see Aro today," Janie says. "I feel something in my blood. Please..."

"Okay, leave tonight," Carlisle says. "Your dad said he's been looking at the old place."

"Why?" Janie asks. "Nevermind. What about Norma?"

"She'll be fine with us," Carlisle replies. "Go and get some answers."

Janie nods and she dials another number. Her dad. He can use mind control, that's his child of the moon ability. Janie says bye to the pack and she meets Dennis at the airport and he compels Janie a ticket and they two hug at security and Janie is on her way to Florence, Italy, where she will catch a cab to Volterra, to the Volturi castle.

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