Chapter 44

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               Janie gets Nico, Norma, and herself dressed before they leave for the Cullens, for the Cullen/Swan wedding

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               Janie gets Nico, Norma, and herself dressed before they leave for the Cullens, for the Cullen/Swan wedding. Nico takes off running toward Jasper, who is already kneeled down and waiting.

"Well, you look better than I do," Jasper muses as he picks the ginger boy up. "Let's go find Emmett."

Janie carries Norma upstairs to Alice's room and she finds Bella and Alice. Norma crawls over to the fabrics in the floor once she's put down and she plays with thst. Alice smiles at the little baby.

"You look beautiful, Janie," Alice compliments and she grabs her makeup kit before she starts working on Bella, who had also just got there. "What did I say about beauty sleep?"

"Sorry. Bad dream," Bella replies.

"I'm gonna go find my imprint," Janie says.

"We've got Norma," Rosalie says as she walks in.

Janie nods and she goes downstairs. Emmett is easily found outside with the Denali coven.

"This is the girl," Emmett tells them when Janie walks over. "She was once a child of the moon, cursed to the full moon."

Eleazar steps forward, astounded. "What happened?" He asks and Janie frowns in confusion. "He said was?"

"The Volturi lifted mine and my family's curse," Janie claims. "Two or three months ago."

"And you're clairvoyant," Eleazar gushes. "Remarkaable. I'm Eleazar Denali. This is my wife, Carmen. These three are Kate, Tanya, and Irina. We're the Denali coven."


Janie turns and sees her nine-month-old calling out as Carlisle carries her over. Janie smiles as she grabs her.

"She's been crying for you since you left," Rosalie says. "She has attachment issues withy you I believe. Emmett, you rubbed off on this poor baby."

"I did not!" Emmett gasps as Irina fawns over the human baby.

"Is she really yours?" Carmen asks.

"My mom gave birth to her, but I adopted her while the Cullens were with you guys," Janie replies. "I have custody of my one-year-old brother, too. He was with Jasper."

"He still is; he won't leave him," Emmett claims.

"We should find out seats," Kate claims. "It was nice meeting you, Janie."

Janie smiles and she goes to her seat. Nico runs over and he sits beside her while Emmett holds Norma and sits on the other side no Janie. Eleazar looks at Janie for a moment before sitting with his coven. Nico walks over and he tries playing patty-cake with her. Emily's niece and Quil's imprint, four-year-old Claire, taught him. When he hears the music, Nico gasps and hurried to his chair. He climbs up and sits. He's such a good baby.

              Nico has come out of the baby tuxedo jacket and is running around in his black slacks and shirt. Norma is being held by Irina right now. Irina is annoyed that the Quiluete wolves are there because they killed Laurent. But Norma is keeping Irina calm.

Janie looks around the yard. Jessica and Embry are making out beside a tree and Janie grimaces. She finds Emmett and she hugs him. He kisses the top of her head and he holds her close while Nico walks up to Billy and Sue, and he babbles their heads off.

The wedding resection goes well until Jacob nearly started a fight. Janie leaves Norma and Nico with the Cullens and she goes with the pack to scold Jacob. Norma is find as long as she's with at least Janie and Emmett. She started talking at eight months. She calls Janie mama and Emmett 'da', the shortened version of da-da.

Emmett spends the rest of the night after seeing Edward and Bella off with Norma and Nico's sleeping forms after Rosalie and him read to them.

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