Chapter 46

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            It's been about two weeks, and Bella's getting bigger

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            It's been about two weeks, and Bella's getting bigger. And weaker. Nico and Norma are playing with toy wolves while Bella sits on the couch, under a blanket. Janie is saddened by how much worse Bella gets in the pregnancy.

Janie and Rosalie are pro-baby. They're very protective over Bella and the unborn baby. Jasper is struggling to be around Bella, which is understandable. Emmett is on team Janie, rather she is for or against the baby. Alice is anti-baby because she knows it'll lead to Bella's death. While Janie knows it'll lead to Bella's chance at immortality.

"Jacob's here," Janie says when she hears his dirt bike arrive.

Jacob comes storming upstairs, brushing past Carlisle. Rosalie steps in fromt of Bella.

"That's close enough, dog,"  Rosalie sneers.

"Ouch," Janie murmurs.

"It's okay, Rose," Bella speaks up. "Help me up?"

Rosalie hesitates but she obliged. Bella pulls her shirt over her very veiny stomach. Jacob states at it before he storms up to Edward.

"You did this to her!" He bellows.

Norma's bottom lip trembles are the sound, and so does Nico's. Both babies begin crying. Janie gives Jacob a cold glare as she picks her babies up and she goes upstairs.

"We didn't know it was possible," Carlisle continues once the crying babies are upstairs.

"What is it?" Jacob asks; he only feels bad for making the babies cry because Norma is Leah's imprint and Nico is Seth's.

"I'm not sure," Carlisle replies. "Ultrasounds and needles won't penetrate."

"Janie and I can't see it, either," Alice says. "We can't see Bella's future anymore."

"We've been researching legends, but there isn't much to go on," Carlisle claims. "What we do know is that it's strong. And fast-growing."

"Why haven't you done anything?" Jacob asks. "Take it out of her!"

"This is not of your business, dog!"

"Rose!" Janie snaps as she comes downstairs, a baby on each him. "All this fighting isn't good for Bella."

"The fetus isn't food for Bella," Alice pipes in.

"Say the word, Alice," Rosalie sneers. "Baby. It's just a little baby."

"Possibly," Jasper remarks and Janie scowls at him. Jasper bows his head at the look on Janie's face.

"Carlisle, you've gotta do something," Jacob says pleadingly.

"No," Bella says, finally speaking up. "It's not his decision. It's not any of yours."

"Emmett, can we talk outside?" Janie asks.

Emmett nods. Janie leaves the babies with Rosalie and they go outside to talk.

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