(P4) Chapter 9- I Do

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2 Months Later

"You may kiss the bride..." 

Rihannon leans in, her lips touching those of her newlywed husband, the two sharing a moment of bliss after what had been an unpredictable few weeks. I feel Isla's hand squeeze tighter around mine as she watches with an undeniable light in her eyes. As she had explained to me previously, Isla had never been to a human wedding and seemed to love how quiet and sentimental it was. Although, many parts of religion had faded over time and as I had been told by my father, weddings had been very different many years ago.

He had described to me all sorts of ceremonies, those of colour and vibrance. It was one of my favourite things to learn about when I was younger, I would ask countless teachers about life before. They would give me books from the time and show me old maps. In fact, There was one teacher who had a small cassette player in his house. He had inherited it from generations of his family and sometimes, on rare occasions, he would let me listen to it after class. He only had one cassette which, on it was a worn down label with the faded words The Smiths. My favourite, which I had named 'I am human', I had played over and over again until I was told to go home.

Music had always been one of my favourite things and coming home for the first time in what felt like forever. As the band play during Rihannon and Killian's first dance, I watch in awe, remembering the times in which I would wake up early so I could finish my work, just to head down to the town centre where Dustin would play his guitar every Sunday. As the strings vibrated slowly, it seemed to enchant me, pulling me under its spell. And despite Faeries having their own type of music, played on expertly made flutes and trumpets, I realise that I had missed the soft hum of a guitar string and the waves crafted in the air with a beautiful, controlled vocal tone.

I watch Rihannon turn to me, moving her head slightly to indicate that I should join the two of them as they danced. I tug lightly on Isla's hand, looking over to her conflicted gaze. I soften my eyes, smiling slightly before the girl stands, taking my hand. A few more people had taken to the floor by the time we had; Rihannon's parents were smiling gleefully at each other and Ari's mother had Issac in her arms and was twirling him around to the music. 

Isla places her hand delicately on my neck and I lean my head onto her hand, placing my own hands around her waist. We sway slowly to the music, lost in our own bubble, forgetting the world around us. I close my eyes, focusing on her touch, sinking deeper into the safety she radiates. We breathe together, dancing as if we were one. I lose myself in her. I feel her forehead press to mine before a chain of words is whispered softly into the space between us.
"I'm going to marry you one day..." Isla takes a breath, filling her lungs with sweet-tasting air, "Like this, with dancing and laughing. And I'll hold you like this for as long as you want..."

"Then you'd be holding me forever..." I trail off, my words as lost as I feel when her skin touches mine.

"I'm fine with forever..." I chuckle lightly at this statement.

"Me too..."

We get to dwell in our fantasy for only a few minutes before something interrupts, the damaged voice of my father.

"May I... cut in?" His stumbles upon his words, looking up at me with sorrowful eyes. Isla parts from me before throwing me a questioning gaze. I bit my lip, inclining my head slightly. This movement causes Isla to step away cautiously, watching us from close by. My father moves to place his hand on my waist, connecting our other two hands together. I suddenly remember the countless father-daughter dances we had been too before mother had died. I remember the comfort I used to feel. It had all faded now. 

"Emelie... the way I reacted was... not right..." He pauses for a second, his gaze not focusing on mine the way it usually did when he spoke to me, "I love you... You and Noah, you're all I've got now... and I can't take that for granted as I did." My father turns his head to look over at Isla.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry. I don't want to lose you. And I want you to be happy... and she makes you happy. She makes you smile as you used to before..." He gulps, tears threatening to fall as he clutches my hand tighter, "I know you have no reason to forgive me but-" I cut him off, studying his eyes for a moment.

"I forgive you." He falters, wondering if he had heard right.

"Really?" He asks and I smile.

"Really." I realise that there is no reason for me to hold a grudge. I know how precious and delicate loving someone is. Because every single day is another they could be hurt and I couldn't risk being so angry at a person I love so much that I miss a moment to be there for them when they are hurt.


The darkness had fallen over the wedding, bringing with it, a gush of cold air indicating that the winter solstice was quickly approaching. Human's had celebrated this day years ago, with stories and presents by the fire. It seemed odd to celebrate the turning of such a harsh and unforgiving season...

"I think we celebrate it because... it's the cold nights which make the warm ones just a little bit warmer," Isla explains, connecting her gaze with mine. We were sat, holding each other in the tree that almost an entire year ago, I'd been sat in with Rihannon, staring up at the stars.

"Wouldn't you rather that the nights were just warm?" I say, resting my head on her chest.

"Then it would be boring..." She smirks, looking down at me before pressing a soft kiss to my forehead. I smile, wishing I could be deeper into her embrace, which at this point was not exactly possible. We'd been sat out here for at least an hour now and the cold was slowly picking its way through my skin. Isla, however, was like a fireplace.

"How are you still so warm?" I whine, squirming as if I could absorb more of her heat.

"Faeries have a higher regulated body temperature..." The blonde murmurs absent-mindedly, staring at me.

"What...?" I ask, looking up at her.

"Are you happy, Emelia?" I sit up slightly at this, concerned by the uncertainty of the question.

"Of course I am..." I feel her heart hammer faster in her chest. Isla takes a breath.

"I just..." Her eyes begin to water, "Sometimes I wonder if I ruined your life..."

"You didn't ruin my life Isla, If anything you made it better." I reach to wipe the tears now trickling down her cheeks, resting my hand of her neck.

"I love you..."

"I love you."

And that's when the small, ivory flakes start to fall. Slowly at first, falling down the horizon as if they had a destined path before starting to fall in groups, sometimes clumping together before they hit the ground. I just settle back into Isla's embrace. Watching the painting of snow on the canvas of a starlit night, wondering if this is the reason people celebrate; warmth, love and beauty.


Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed and let me know if you want a little more back story on how this world is built, I don't think I've ever really mentioned it but it is created after a big event which wipes out a lot of humans, coaxing the Faeries out of hiding. It's the reason why many of them know about technology, but have never really used or seen it.

Anyway, I hope you've all had a lovely holiday, whatever you celebrate and that you have a wonderful day xx

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