(P2) Chapter 11- Blue Meets Green

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Blue meets green and the world collides. Blue meets green and planets align. We break out of our trances and just stare. As our pasts merged into one, as our future could be nothing if not together, we just stared. That was until a sudden realisation hit. A realisation more painful than anything I'd ever imagined. I break our stare, reaching over frantically to pull her hair away from her neck. There I saw the only evidence I needed to prove my theory true. Three puncture marks decorated her skin. The beast inside me grew angry at the thought that anyone had dared touch, my mate, in this way but the heart inside me hammered viciously, knowing what this meant.

"No..." I murmur, dropping my hand, allowing her hair to fall back into place. I could feel the desire now, I could feel it rising and I willed it not to. Not now. Instead of succumbing to my yearning, I grab both of Emelie's shoulders.

"Listen to me, we have to get you out of here..." I snap hastily, the panic beginning to rise.

"I... I can't..." She stutters trying to remove herself from my grasp. Using my superior strength, I hold her still.

"Emelie I know what you are feeling. You know I know. You can feel it, you can feel me, my thoughts, my memories. Now, I know you are hurting but I also know you can rise above it. Right now we need to get you out of here... Please..." I see conflict flicker in her eyes as I say this but after but a second of thought, the other girl gives in, relaxing her body into my weight slightly. I pull her up, guiding her out of the stuffy room.


When we reach the palace, the girl walking beside me hand in mine, I catch sight of Adrien outside by the gardens. He looks mostly healthy, limping slightly on one leg.

"Adrien... could you take Emelie into the castle, get her cleaned up... I've got something to sort out..." He nods slowly, the movement of his head causing obvious pain, "Thank you..." I murmur in response before leaving Emelie with him and charging back into the palace. I know it's insensitive. I just found out she's my mate and now I'm charging away from her. It's because it isn't possible. At least it wouldn't be if she were human...

"Woah slow down!" Archer cries as I throw open the doors to the dining room, "What's happening?" I look up at him frantically, my eyes showing nothing but vulnerability.

"They used her as a bloody science experiment!" I scream, tears ripping their way down my cheeks as I say the words aloud. Archer steadies me by wrapping my quivering body in a tight hug. I rest into his embrace, allowing my heart a moment to catch up with the rest of my body. We part and he smooths his voice slightly as he speaks,

"Okay... explain this to me... what happened?"

"She... she just wanted to save her sister who might not even be alive and they... they..." I'm choking out words through the pot of anger which is slowly boiling inside me, "They injected her with Faerie blood." I finish and instantly Archer's eyebrow's furrow.

"But... that would kill her..."

"It wasn't enough to kill her but... enough. She's part Fae. She's part Fae and it's my fault..." I bury my head in my hands as I say this. Sinking into a chair which was pulled out by the table. I feel him crouch down, placing a hand on my thigh.

"I'm sorry... but this isn't our focus right now..." He says softly which does nothing but anger me further.

"She's my focus. She's my mate..." I confess, staring into his eyes, searching for some sort of reaction. His face stays emotionless and he backs away slightly, taking a breath.

"We don't have time for this Isla..." He murmurs, standing up.

"I know..." I croak back, raising my gaze to catch his.


Once I had gathered my thoughts, with no help from Archer, I headed up the stairs to try and explain the situation to Emelie. However, when I got there it seemed I was going to interrupt a conversation between her and Adrien. I shouldn't have eavesdropped but when you have advanced hearing, it's kind of hard not to.

"Listen... I know what you are going through..." A voice I knew belonged to Adrien spoke softly.

"How could you?" Emelie sounds restless, her voice hollow. Then Adrien launches into a story I know so well.

"Isla was fifteen, me sixteen..." There's a pause where I'm guessing Emelie protested against the meaning of the story, only to be silenced by my childhood friend, "There were three of them.. all at least two years older than us. They wanted to kill her. We were alone- no one near to hear our cries for help. They attacked and we did so back. We never wanted to kill anyone..." The boy's voice cracked, "It all happened too quick. Two of them ganged up on Isla and as one was about to dig a sword below her ribs I stopped him. By digging my own below his. I didn't know if he was dead at first, there was too much going on. I was fighting this other guy while making sure Isla was okay. She has a scar... just below her shoulder blade. That's where the blade went in. She didn't have a choice; she used her chance and put the blade straight through his heart. We begged the last boy to run..." 

Something inside me aches at the retelling of the story- my brain reliving the events of the past.

"I didn't know..." Emelie mutters and there's a slight shift in the room before Adrien speaks his next sentence.

"There's a lot of things you don't know... just... these things hurt- I know. But you have to keep fighting..."

"What I don't get is... what is the point of living if you lose your humanity?" Emelie retorts and Adrien says a single word in response to this before I open the door to the room.


I look up at the both of them sat on the bed, Emelie with a towel around her neck, collecting the water from her dripping hair.

"Thank you, Adrien..." I mutter as he rises from the bed and walks towards me, "Get some rest, you need it..." The boy nods before smiling and walking out of the door behind me.

"Emelie!" I protest but the girl is already up from the bed. I expect her to walk away from me but instead, she flings her arms around my waist, burying her head in my chest.

"I'm sorry... I'm trying... I..." I hear the desperation in her voice and pull her away from me, aligning our gazes.

"Emelie please... this isn't your fault..." There's silence for a moment as we gaze into each other's eyes. I place a hand on her cheek, smiling. I then press my forehead against hers, our noses touching and whisper into the space between us.

"I love you, Emelie Snow. I never got to tell you that properly..."

"I love you too... and... I'm trying..." She chokes out the last two words to which I say,

"I know... I know my love..." I gulp slowly, "The thing they injected you with... it was blood. Fae blood..." I move my hands so that they rest on her hips.

"What does that mean?" She asks, her voice slightly edged with worry but otherwise, seemingly lost in the moment.

"I don't know..." I breathe softly.

"Then let's worry about it tomorrow..." After she says these last few words she presses her lips lightly to mine. It's nothing like any other kiss we've shared. It's light and soft; It's so full of meaning. Every movement of her mouth against mine sets my heart alight but this time it's like she is controlling the flames. That rather than being two people sharing a kiss, it's one person. She is mine as I am hers. The kiss solidifying just that. The two of us as one with nothing able to reach our perfect home. Because that was what she was- my home.


Okay... so I don't know what it is with this chapter but I'm really not sure about it. I think maybe it's too fast and I may split in two at some point but let me know what you think...

Anyway, thanks for reading and have an amazing day x

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