Chapter 12- Chasing The Day

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I open my eyes. I take a breath. Then I sit up suddenly and whack my head on something above me.

"Woah, take it easy!" It's a male voice and I turn to see a man standing by one of the biggest and most beautiful Bay horses I've ever seen. His hair is a dark blue- almost purple and his ears grow to a sharp point. He's wearing what looks like a blue silk blazer and has a belt of weapons strapped around his chest. He walks over to steady my head and passes me a flask of water. I drain it in seconds.

"So, what are you doing out here, passing out in the middle of our moors all alone?" He asks and I clench my eyes shut to gain concentration before continuing,

"I'm here to see Queen Isla of the Seelie Court," I say quickly, "I have a warning for her..." He laughs,

"You... have a warning for the Queen?"

"Yes... and?" I snap, getting impatient. He grins at my annoyance,

"Okay human I will take you to the Seelie Court but how do I know you won't, let's say, assassinate my queen?" I grunt and instinctively reach for the sword in my belt only to find there is nothing there.

"Where's my sword?" I ask angrily and the Faerie just scoffs.

"Great thing to say after I ask that question. I give you ten out of ten, human."

"Stop calling me human. I have a name," I snap.

"And so, do I. Want to exchange information?" I let out a hard breath of annoyance.


"Adrien. The queen's best friend and leader of the Seelie Queen's Knights." I roll my eyes and he looks at me questioningly.

"I wonder how she can stand you."

"She has to, we've been brought up together. You know her?" Adrien stands and begins to tie the saddlebag back onto the horse. I don't want to get Isla in trouble which she might if I tell him the truth, so I twist it a little,

"I've heard of her..."

"You fascinate me, human... so much so that I will take you to my queen. She can choose what we do with you." This boy is driving me insane. He jumps into the saddle of the horse

"Emelie," I say bitterly.

"Okay Emelie, all aboard," He says adding emphasis to my name just to aggravate me further.

"I'm not getting on there with you," I say accusingly, and he grunts,

"Want to get to the palace or not, sunshine?"

"Sunshine?" I murmur debating whether to go with him or to continue walking endlessly into the fog.

"Yeah, it's ironic because it's something you clearly are not." He laughs at his own stupid joke and I take a deep breath before taking his outstretched hand. As Isla did, he astonishes me with his strength pulling onto the saddle with ease. I sit way too close to his back for my liking and he grins at the look of disgust on my face.

"Not going to wrap your arms around me human?" He jokes, winking at me. Ew. "Aw don't look at me like that! Just trying to make conversation..." I scoff and he chuckles a little. God this ride is going to be hell.

It continues like this for the next few hours before we make a small stop to eat, drink and rest. I think its more for me since he kind of just sits beside me all broody and mysterious. I'll be honest it's quite funny to watch actually,

"What's so funny?" He asks watching me try to hold in a laugh. He turns to look at me and the laugh bursts out,

"Sorry, it's just... do you think you get girls with the whole broody act?" I snigger and he just shakes his head.

"What makes you assume I want girls?" He says winking and my mouth hangs open a little as he walks towards the horse. I literally can't think of a single retort and I just hop back on to the horse in silence. What's even worse is that I can pretty much hear his smug grin for every minute of the next hour.

He keeps the horse at a trot even though I know he can run much faster than that. I voice this to him and he replies with a quick,

"How do you know that?"

"I know a lot of things, can't you tell?" I say, surprised that this is the first time he's brought this up.

"I can... and I do wonder why... Aren't you all petrified of us after the incident with the Unseelie Court?" He says slowly.
"Unseelie Court?" I ask, having heard the word for the first time. I understand immediately after that it must be the other Court Isla was talking about.

"Ah, I see you don't know everything..." I shove him and the horse jolts to the side slightly. I calm it by leaning forward and moving my hand in circles under its mane. Just like I did for Noah. Noah... I wonder how long he's been alone. I wonder how he's coping with the information of father leaving. I feel bad for leaving him. And Ari... I hope he's okay. I never meant to really hurt him. I just knew that I couldn't bring him here- he wouldn't understand. I miss them all- My dad, Noah, Rhiannon, Ari even Killian, even though I didn't really know him that well. I just knew that he made my best friend happy and that made me happy.

Adrien watches the horse calm under my touch with curiosity.

"I used to spend a lot of time with the horses in the stables back home..." I explain lifting my hand and sitting upright again. He urges the horse onwards and I watch as the sun begins to sink below the clouds,

"We should be there before sundown," He says, I think with possible newfound respect for me. Or at least, I hope.

"Horses get tired too..." He says suddenly and I narrow my eyebrows until I realise that he is answering my question. There might not be too much rush now, but there will be soon. We continue onwards, chasing the sun to its place of rest.


Hope you enjoyed, thank you to everyone who has voted, I'm glad you've enjoyed my story! Have an incredible day!

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