Chapter 21- The Beauty Of The Night

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I look thoughtfully into the glistening reflective sheet in front of me. I'd never put much thought into my appearance. I'm not the most beautiful or good-looking person and I've never cared about it. Past tense. It might be because every single one of the Fae are beautiful and enchanting beyond words and I'm barely average. Or it might not... But, I'm insecure. I just feel like I'm not good enough- I'm human- too human. There have been days I have wished that I were born Fae, brought up in the palace by Isla's side. Sometimes I hate the plain idea of my own inevitable mortality.

I feel a hand snake around my wrist and a head press against my shoulder.

"You look stunning, Emelia..." I smile at the warmth her touch always seems to bring to my heart and turn to kiss her on the cheek.

"So do you, my queen..." I murmur onto her skin. We part and I sweep my eyes up and down her figure once again. She's wearing a light green, gold and white, lily infused dress. It has a slim waist which sculpts her figure perfectly and tiny glistening gems decorate the torso, dispersing as they run down the dress. She's breath-taking.

"Oi, my eyes are up here Emelia..." She says softy and I draw my wondering gaze back up to her captivating emerald eyes. Distracted by their allure, I don't notice as she pulls out something from behind her back. She pins the boutonniere on my blazer, and I notice a matching corsage on her wrist. Taking her hand delicately in mine, I press a soft kiss to the back of it and smile at her warmly. I can't wait to dance all night in her arms... I hold out my arm for her and she takes it, grinning. I then guide us both out of the room and into the palace gardens.

The flower decorated, hedge archways welcome us into the chaos of the joy-filled night. There is a massive bonfire in the centre of the garden and music blaring from who knows where. It's crowded with Fae from all over the court, many drinks stalls and a lot of dancing. Unlike usual, as we walk in, no one bows or looks our way; they are too caught up in the high of the night. I feel Isla's arm leave mine and watch her drift over to a drinks stall, seconds later, she returns with a glass for herself and one for me.

"Don't drink too much... this should last the night. The stuff here is strong, even for Faeries..." She whispers in my ear so I can hear her over the noise. I take a small sip before I hear the beat of the music slow. Placing my glass down on the nearest wooden table, I pick hers out of her hand, placing it beside mine and pull her towards the bonfire.

I pull her closer to me, feeling the heat radiate between us. Even with the smallest sip, the strong fluid is already shoving adrenalin through my veins. I look into her glimmering orbs of green and wrap my hands around her waist so there is no space between us. She rests her head on my chest and we sway back and forth slowly to the beat. I can hear her every heartbeat, feel her every breath. It feels... perfect. Nothing in my life has ever been perfect- nothing but her. She is the axis that my world has begun to turn on. Every moment without her is a moment I'm yearning for her presence and every moment I'm with her- I want her forever in my arms.

"Emelia... thank you..." She murmurs softly and I can barely hear her above the music even though she tips her head a little towards my ear.


"For caring about me when I was at my darkest- when my father had passed. For nights like this, memories I will cherish forever. For not running away this time and instead, running straight towards the thing that scares you the most..." I blink and wait for the soft rise of her chest against my own before responding.

"The thing that scares me the most is losing you... I was running towards the one person who hadn't ever looked at me like I was a piece of clay in need of sculpting. You look at me and you see a real person who can make her own decisions- chose her own path. I could never thank you enough for that." The music plays softly in the background, each moment ticking past slower and slower. As if we controlled how fast the earth turned below us. I shift back a little, gazing into her eyes in admiration.

"Emelia... I..." Isla is cut off as a man at the entrance to the garden begins to yell at the top of his voice.

"GUESS WHO'S FINALLY ARRIVED?!" Citizens of the Unseelie Court burst into the garden, yelling and immediately downing glasses of the liquid Isla had offered me when I'd first gotten here. I glance to Isla quickly and she sighs.

"It's Fae courtesy to conjoin both Courts on Litha... I just didn't think they'd show up..." I watch Keres stroll in slowly behind the rowdy crowd of his people and smile devilishly in Isla's direction. Worry flashes on her face and she leans to whisper in my ear.

"Go..." She separates from me, drifting over to the king. I hang back, stepping further into the shadows under the hedges. The heat that was previously flickering warmth onto my face fades as I turn away from the fire and walk behind the hedges to a deeper part of the garden. I feel the stress release its hold on my heart as I sit next to a stone water fountain behind all the chaos. The soft trickle of water is the only noise that can be heard amidst the nightly silence; a vast contrast to the thundering music and shouts from the bonfire.

I take the moment to recollect my thoughts- what was Isla about to say to me? I know it's dismissive and most likely ignorant, but I just want to forget the rest of my people. To live here forever- without worry. Maybe falling for someone makes you ignorant... Maybe it's the people you care for that determine your life. There are people back home... home... My brother, my father, Rhiannon, Ari. I can't leave them defenceless. I feel useless. I don't have magic, I'm not super strong or super-fast. I'm okay at hand-to-hand combat, increasingly better, I hope.

"What are you doing here all alone, girl...?" A bittersweet, low tone vibrates through the air. I turn my head rapidly as my heart rate begins to fluctuate. The shine of silver decorates the night air and as it is highlighted in with the light from the fire, projecting its light on the sides of the hedges my throat turns dry. I gulp building my confidence and respond to the question,

"Taking in the beauty of the night... you?" I say, straightening my back and relaxing the newly tense muscles in my arms and legs.

"I'm... not one for loud noises..." The Prince says softly, and I hold his gaze, almost threatening him to pull away. He stands his ground and steps even further forward, "But... I do love to dance. I was wondering if a fair lady like you would accompany me?" His silver eyes dig into mine and I feel my heart drop into my stomach.

"But... there's no music..." As I say it, the boy smiles and the second his cheeks crease, the soft hum of the music increases until there is a slow tune echoing through the air around us. He holds out his hand,

"Shall we?" I have no choice but to place mine in his and the second I do; icicles shoot down my arm- he's freezing. The cold flows through my blood as he places one hand on my waist and I, reluctantly, place a hand on his shoulder. My mother used to teach me and my sister how to dance in the comforts of our home before her death. We would waltz together; me and Avery. Laughing and grinning at each other. I miss her and she's the only thing I'm thinking about as we dance under the stars.

My heart is hammering and as he whispers in my ear, another cold shock runs through my blood.

"What are you thinking...?" I look up at him- startled.


"I didn't know you were such a liar Emelia..." He murmurs before twirling me around. The second our hands meet once again; he digs his sliver orbs into my hazel ones. I hate the name as it comes from his mouth. Almost as if it came out of the depths of hell- he makes it seem so eerie and taunting. I don't respond, averting my gaze.

"Look at me," He demands, grabbing my face with a single hand, stopping the dance abruptly. I gulp as my blood pumps faster and faster. I can't stop my hands from shaking- I'm not strong enough to get out of his grasp. The last thing I hear is whispered murmurs before black leaks into my vision, sending a burning fire through my head.

"What a shame..." 


And here's where the main plot is introduced. What do you guys think will happen? I'd love to know! Thanks for reading and have a lovely day- even if we're all stuck inside...

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