Chapter 2- Make A Wish

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I remember one moment a few years after the Fae had first invaded. I think I was around 11 maybe 12. I was just walking home from school and I saw a face through the thick ivy of the tree. At first, I thought it was a girl and I called out for her,

"Hello! Would you like to play?!" Then her face emerged again, and I couldn't help but be whisked away by her beauty. Blonde hair tumbled down her back and her eyes were an enchanting emerald green. She looked about my age and I was so excited to make a new friend.

That was until I caught sight of her ears. Sharpened to a point. I took a small step back fear filling my eyes. She saw it- she saw how much the sight of her sacred me and she pleaded,

"Please don't go!" I felt her move closer to me, "Please, I just want a friend!" But younger me had had countless nightmares of faces like her. People like her and I took another step back. Further and further until I was sure I was safe then I bolted home. I never told anyone about that- I don't really know why- I just didn't. Maybe because part of me wished I had gone up to her. Part of me wished that she had been my friend. She didn't seem as scary as the men that came into my house that day. But- everyone knows- Fae are devilish tricksters.

And that moment is what I'm thinking of as Rhiannon and I climb a tree in that exact forest. As we sit upon a branch and gaze at the foggy moors on the other side of the barrier. I wonder what their village looks like. Legends say their streets are painted with the blood of their own. That, children, are sentenced to death for even a little wrongdoing. That there are spires on the buildings that are sharp enough to pierce every material known to man. I've always been curious- from the time I was young, I would ask my father all sorts of questions regarding the moors. He used to tell me stories in return- mostly the legends of the cruel, blood plundering Faeries that lived beyond the border. Stories of the fair folk who could not tell lies yet could trick a human in the worst ways.

Once I asked if I could see past the barrier and he told me the story of a boy and a cave by his house. The boy had always been told never to go near it. He'd been told legends of people going missing and one day when he was left alone, he went to see what it was. It turns out it was a bear's cave and as he turned to leave, a bear stood, blocking the entrance. You can guess what happened next...

The words of the girl beside me snapped me out of my trance,

"See those three stars in a line..." She grabs my hand pointing my finger to a line of stars in the sky, "That's Orion's belt. And...," She points to a couple of other stars beside them,

"If you join all of these up, That's Orion. See that's his bow." I draw out the shape of a man in my head, his arm reaching upward in victory. She watches me and pulls something out of her pocket- a little box.

"Here... happy 19th..." She hands it to me, and I pull at the ribbon and open the box slowly. Inside is a small notebook and pen. I look up at her in gratitude and she smiles,

"So maybe one day you can write your own story... Once you've finished every book in the library of course," She grins and I wrap my arm around her neck, pulling her into a hug. It's a little awkward since we are literally in a tree- but it works.

"Thank you... I love it... but you really couldn't wait a few more hours to give it to me?" We both smile as she shakes her head looking back up at the sky. A line of bright light begins to travel across the dark expanse. It's so beautiful, like the light at the end of an enclosed tunnel.

"It's a shooting star. Close your eyes- make a wish," Rhiannon says tucking a lock of her long flowing, raven coloured hair behind her ear. I close my eyes and breathe slowly,

I wish... I hadn't run away.

I feel the light flash past my eyes, and I open them slowly and clutch tighter on to the hand of the girl beside me,

"I love you," I say, and she laughs a little,

"I love you too, you soppy idiot." I laugh and shove her a little but not too much considering I don't want her to fall off. She sways on the branch,

"Maybe we should get down now?" I laugh and pull her up beginning to make my way down the tree. As our feet hit the ground I speak,

"Rhi, I have to get back..." She interrupts me,

"Yes, cause we all know your dad is super protective!" She exclaims, "Get out of here you idiot- go on!" She says, playfully shoving me in the shoulder. I grin at her- she knows me scarily well.

"Alright- don't do anything stupid," I say but she's already walking. She turns around and smirks and me,

"Wasn't planning to!" She yells very unconvincingly.

"Rhiannon!" I yell back,

"What! I'm not going to do anything- I'm going home see!" I watch her walk past her house and towards Killian's house across the road from it.

"And Killian's house is home, right?!" I yell back,

"Shut up! You're going to wake everyone up!" I shake my head, smiling and head home.


Hope you enjoyed! Thank you so much for reading, have a lovely day!

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